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Healthy Eating With Alce Nero Organic Pasta For Kids

Practicing healthy eating from childhood is important. There are many reasons to start your kids on a healthy preferably organic diet from an early age.

The term ‘organic’ means that the food is a product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilizers and pesticides on the crops, feeding additives to the livestock, using radiation and genetically modified organisms[1].

Research points to the benefits of a balanced diet that includes certified organic foods as it is absent of chemicals from pesticides, that may affect the child’s developing body and brain.

While hormones and chemicals in responsibly grown non-organic food are small, research suggests that even low levels of pesticide exposure in an extended period of time can affect young children’s neurological and behavioral development, with evidence showing links between pesticide exposure to neonatal reflexes, psychomotor and mental development, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder[2].

Another reason of switching children to an organic diet is to reduce their exposure to organophosphates, a type of neurotoxicant pesticide that can cause significantly lower activity in the central and peripheral nervous system. It can be found in many commercially produced non-organic foods[3].

The case for switching over to a more organic diet especially for kids is strong. However, children have minds of their own and tend to like the chemically coloured, artificially flavoured snack foods and highly processed fast foods. Sigh.

One strategy that has worked for parents is to start them young on healthy eating so that they develop the taste for good food, if possible organic food. 

This approach does require some creativity from parents but can result in children who have a preference for better, healthier food that can result in healthier food choices.

Alce Nero, a leader among eco-conscious and health conscious consumers is here to help stressed out parents start their little ones on a journey of delicious and healthy organic eating with its super cute and super good Organic Alphabet Pasta and Organic Vehicle Shape Pasta.

The brand’s farm-to-table concept is made possible by working with its network of organic farmers, making the produce much healthier. This new addition to the brand’s extensive line of authentic Italian organic produce is 100% organic certified by European Union law and by JAS organic agriculture in Japan.

Alce Nero’s Organic Pasta for kids includes dehydrated organic spinach green letters, and dehydrated organic tomato red letters. Kids enjoy the coloured letters, and will be so engaged sorting letters and colours before that they will eat them without making faces about the hidden vegetables. 

Over time they will develop the taste for organic foods and lose their fear of vegetables, too! 

Their minds will be stimulated and they will recognise letters too that can help with picking up reading skills. Eat healthy and get a head start on reading skills with Alce Nero Organic Pasta for Kids.

MR and MH love pasta with tomato sauce. Alce Nero has you covered for a kid-friendly organic meal just prepare Alce Nero Organic Alphabet Pasta according to the instruction, and the same time warm up Alce Nero Pasta Tomato Sauce in a pan. 

Depending on your child’s tolerance for organic vegetables and proteins, add what he or she likes, then combine the pasta with the pasta sauce. Grate some cheese over this tasty meal and watch your child’s delight. Alce Nero Organic Pasta Tomato Sauce is so good, it can be all the flavour your organic pasta needs if you’re short of time.

MR and MH even ask mouse mommy to spare them some Alce Nero Alphabet Pasta for word search game. Glad that the kids like it and create an opportunity to learn spelling too!

Aimed to make meal time exciting again, parents can engage with their children by asking them to spell out words with the alphabet, or identify the different vehicles that the pasta comes in. 

They will be so taken up with the activities that come with enjoying the Alce nero Pasta for Kids that can help them adopt to organic eating habits from a tender age, reinforcing the message that organic food is delicious and fun too!

Malaysian parents can use Alce Nero products with confidence as it is certified Halal by official certification bodies recognized by JAKIM.

Interested to know more Alce Nero wholesome, unique and organic recipes,


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Astro 小太阳Play to Learn 欢乐派对|唱跳|演出|欢乐!

 Astro 小太阳出品的全马最畅销儿童专辑《小太阳快乐唱跳合辑 IV (Vol.1) 万众期待下强势回归,现已正式上架热卖中!配合新合辑的推出及欢庆该合辑预购活动在短短两 星期内即创下近 500 张的销量的好成绩。

小太阳在 KL Gateway Mall 举办了场盛大的小太阳 Play to Learn 欢乐派对,除了为答谢多年来不间断支持小太阳的大小粉丝们外,也借着该派对集 结大人小朋友一起唱跳,散发正能量,贯彻小太阳 Play to Learn 的精神!

小太阳快乐唱跳合辑自 2014 年推出以来,连续三年创下万张销量的记录! 而小太阳也在暌违三年 后,现也终于正式推出让父母与小朋友引颈长盼的《小太阳快乐唱跳合辑》!

该新合辑继承前三 张合辑的 100%纯本地创作理念, 邀来本地著名歌手罗忆诗领军全新创作班底,制作了多首水准 级的专业作品,并由小太阳招牌哥哥姐姐们欢乐唱跳呈现,势必要再掀起更强劲的儿歌唱跳风潮!

罗忆诗虽为首次参与制作儿童专辑,即破了她个人创作量的记录,一口气创作了超过 20 首词曲作 !除了其个人作品外,著名作词人瑞业也持续第四年加持,带来了依然逗趣不失押韵的作品; 而前摇滚乐团乌风铃主唱 Bot 也首次创作儿歌,展现强劲节奏为儿歌带来新的气象。

值得一提的是,曾为童童欢乐园一份子的 Stephanie 刘佩芯今次也突破性的贡献了其处女作,还有 新专辑里也见到了多位新进词曲创作人作品,包括吴以健、子斌、柯碧琪、黄碧薇、何企辉、冯 玄生、叶准准,一起携手为儿童歌曲推向另一个新的里程碑。

而今日活动上除了小太阳的哥哥姐姐,包括小潼、小鱼、小曼、大熊、淇淇、瑄瑄、小可以及小 诗落力演出唱跳,炒热现场气氛外,罗忆诗和刘佩芯也各别演出了其创作的儿歌作品。

首首脍炙 人口经典小太阳儿歌唱起,即引起现场小朋友们快乐唱跳起来!另外,活动上也邀来了两位 从小太阳《孩子王》节目出身的 Clarissa 谢汮秝和 Alvin 陈江铭演出,以及多位《小太阳快乐唱跳 合辑 IV (Vol.1)》的创作人出席参与昨夜的新合辑推介仪式。

更多的照片,请看这连接 :

拥有超值双封面精装版 CD + DVD 合辑的《小太阳快乐唱跳合辑 IV (Vol.1)收录了 23 首来自小太 阳优质儿童节目《新童童欢乐园 2以及 《逗逗摇摇》的歌曲及 MV,包括快乐唱跳、体操歌以及 Brain Break 屁屁操等,更包含了去年许多大马小朋友都爱唱的《五力魔法小精灵之奇幻旅程》 型儿童歌舞剧的主题曲“ We Are Wonder”!

民众可在各大众书局 CD-Rama 唱片行或通过 Go Shop 或有店 got1shop 网购,更多详情可浏览

*For more about Mouse Mommy Treats, do follow us*

KAO Malaysia “Welcome to My Modern Parenthood” For Parents!

KAO Malaysia officially announced the launch of this year’s anticipated “Welcome to My Modern Parenthood” campaign at 1 Utama Shopping Centre. 

Initiated in 2016, the first parenting campaign in Malaysia is back to emphasize the importance of family quality time by providing busy parents fun, yet quick and easy solutions to making their daily routine more manageable.

KAO Malaysia doubled its efforts this year by targeting millennial parents aged 25 to 35 years old. “As solution providers, KAO Malaysia is always dedicated in enriching the lives of people. Using our previous campaigns as a reference, we’ve set a new milestone by taking a more digital and innovative approach which suits the current, fast-paced lifestyle of millennial parents” said Fujiwara Masaki, President of KAO Malaysia.

“Technology plays a huge role in their everyday lives and millennials are constantly connected and on-the-go. We’ve decided to take on the challenge by reworking some of our previous initiatives to be made easily accessible at any time within their reach” he added.

Revolving around this year’s theme, “Value Your Time, Value Your Happiness”, KAO Malaysia has revamped the campaign microsite, including a free to download digital version of it’s renowned parenting guidebook, “The Secret to My Modern Parenthood”. Co-created with KAO Japan Lifestyle Research Centre and Positive Parenting, the Official Parenting Educational Arm of the Malaysian Paediatric Association, the guidebook provides easy to follow suggestions and tricks for manageable baby care and hassle-free housework solutions. 39,000 guidebooks have been distributed to NGOs, hospitals to various childcare partners.

The initiative led to the induction of the guidebook into The Malaysia Book of Records for “Most Number of Parenting Guidebook Distribution”, as well as its accolade, “Japan Home Care Expert”. “We are more than proud to receive such a prestigious recognition and we hope to double last year’s numbers especially with the guidebook now accessible online,” said Tan Poh Ling, Marketing Vice President of KAO Malaysia.

Further into KAO Malaysia’s effort in providing timesaving and hassle-free solutions, selected chapters of the guidebook were also converted into five chapters of video content. Topics highlighted by the videos include the importance of open communication and bonding time, the various roles a father can play in creating a happy parenthood, tips & tricks for diaper changing and getting a baby ready for bed, the teamwork of doing laundry together and efficient solutions to housework and baby care.

“The launch of this year’s efforts was derived from understanding the wants and needs of millennial parents. This is our fourth year conducting the campaign and our insights have inspired us to better improve our initiatives. We hope both our products and the “Welcome to My Modern Parenthood” campaign instilled the brand’s essence in providing timesaving solutions to making parenting and family chores a breeze,” said Tan Poh Ling.

Daddies Mommies, do remember to grab a copy of The Secret To My Modern Parenthood as useful parenting guide in daily practice. Let’s have a open communication, share workload, clean smart and be supportive to each and others! 

A baby's smile signifies that they are happy and comfortable. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, MERRIES keeps babies happy with its soft, super absorbent and all-round breathability for comfort all day long.

MERRIES diapers with its new 3 layer air-through system along with its soft-in air cushion is gentle on the skin, reducing skin irritation. Millennial parents will not have to worry about their babies’ discomfort as MERRIES diapers have an ultra soft and fluffy surface. Unwanted leakages can be avoided as MERRIES diapers also helps prevent leakages with its 3D side gathers and back gathers.

With MERRIES diapers, both millennial parents and their babies can live their moments comfortably while creating more smiles and happiness to share along the way.

MAGICLEAN, Japan’s No.1* Home Care Range

MAGICLEAN is the modern way of home cleaning that allows millennial parents who are constantly on-the-go to have their household chores be done in a flash. Whether its cleaning your kitchen surface, dusty appliances, stubborn stains or more, MAGICLEAN is here to ensure you a clean and hygienic home, safe for whole family.

No hassles and say goodbye to flyaway dust! Magiclean wiper mop and sheets provides quick and easy cleaning with just one wipe. Less of a workout; more of a solution especially for millennial parents!

Not only that, MAGICLEAN also provides total home cleaning solution from the kitchen to bathroom. From the walls and floors to the seats and sinks, clean all corners of a dirty bathroom in no time with Magiclean scrub-free cleaning solutions.

Cleaning up after cooking can be done in a flash with MAGICLEAN’s anti-bacterial kitchen cleaning solutions, where greasy stains can be instantly removed in 30 seconds.
Living spaces at home can be extra clean with MAGICLEAN floor cleaner! The “Magnet Tech” formula removes stains 4x more effectively and is quick drying, giving comfort to the feet.

* No.1 by brand in Japan home care market (kitchen cleaner, bath cleaner, toilet cleaner) in terms of Sales Value based on SRI data of INTAGE Inc. , January 2017 to December 2018

ATTACK, Japan’s No.1* Laundry Detergent Brand

Stains and odour are often the two most common problems faced when doing laundry. Washing with normal detergent alone is not enough to kill bacteria and germs. The newly formulated ATTACK Laundry Detergent provides a superb & hygienic cleaning performance with an advanced anti-bacterial formula for sweat and odour prevention all day long – an effective laundry solution for millennial parents.

For busy, on-the-go millennial parents, ATTACK Liquid Detergent & ATTACK Power Detergent variants are also suitable for overnight and indoor drying, making one less worry out of their way. 

The ATTACK Laundry Detergent also doubles the job by both cleaning and softening clothes with an easy-to-iron effect. It also has a refreshing fragrance which keeps clothes staying fresh all day long.

No.1 by brand in Japan Laundry Detergent market in terms of Sales Value based on SRI data of INTAGE Inc. (January 2015 to December 2018)

Interested to get to know more about KAO Malaysia Welcome to My Modern Parenthood” events and activities,

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