Friday, October 19, 2018

BabyCon 3.0 Bring The World’s Best Baby Products And Brands To Malaysia For Parents And Kids!

Malaysia’s leading business-to-business baby product convention, BabyCon, is kicking off its third edition with a impressive range of cutting-edge baby brands in tow and the chance for baby product retailers to connect with international industry speakers and reputable distributors.

Dubbed BabyCon 3.0, the new and improved convention will be held from 9am to 6pm on the 5th of October at The Starling Mall in Damansara Utama, offering attendees the chance to get up close and personal with distributors representing more than 50 baby brands, collectively showcasing the most recent innovations in the baby product space.

The convention is organised by the Baby Product Assocation of Malaysia (BPAM). The association counts some of the country’s biggest retailers and distributors amongst its members and provides members various benefits including special booth rates at international conventions and access to a network of business support services, while also catering a proven platform in BabyCon to drive awareness and boost sales.

Says Tze-Co Gwei, CEO of BPAM: “BabyCon is our flagship event and we are proud that, during the last edition of the event, our exhibitors amassed a total of RM3 million in sales within one day! This is proof that the platform we have created is indeed valuable in assisting our members and growing the industry as a whole”.

Fittingly, BabyCon is being endorsed by YB Hannah Yeoh, the Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development. As Guest of Honour for the convention, YB Hannah Yeoh will witness the echange of a Memorandum of Understanding between BPAM and OrphanCare Foundation (OCF), a local charity which is doing critical work in transitioning children institutionalised in orphanages to family and community-based care, while providing unplanned, at-risk, newborn babies the joy and benefits of growing up in a family.

Under the partnership, BPAM and OCF will explore the possibilities of jointly funding work and projects to raise awareness of institutionalised children and at-risk newborn babies to the public, private sector, MPs and local government. 

The two organisations will also look at ways for local organisations and community groups with an interest in the cause to lend their support as well.

In addition, BPAM is also supporting OCF’s baby hatch programme, whereby hatches have been set up nationwide to provide a second chance for babies who are unwanted or whose parents cannot afford to take of them. 

Under the programme, babies left at the hatch are handed over to couples who are registered for the adoption process carried out by the foundation, thus providing babies with a way out of insitutional upbringing and a chance at a family-based upbringing.

Celebrity stardust will also be present at BabyCon 3.0 thanks to Wong Chui Ling, a well known TV and radio host, who will be part of the panel of judges for the IBUENCER Awards

As the first-of-its-kind in the baby industry, the IBUENCER Awards recognises Malaysian mummy influencers who have used their social media power for good, whether by helping other mothers through their parenting challenges or recommending trustworthy baby products and brands. Winners will receive a share of RM50,000 worth of baby products.

Thank You readers for your support and glad that you found #MouseMommyTreats blog is practical and provide useful information in parenting for parents and kids. 

Mouse mommy was feeling blessed and appreciate so much for being awarded Top 10 BPAM IBUENCER Award 2018! Thank YOU!  

All in all, retailers and distributors can look forward to the most complete baby product convention to ever come to Malaysia. 

Apart from a wide range of brands and offerings, a focus on quality means that attendees will almost certainly find a suitable range of products which can bring their business to the next level. More photos can click here to view Album 1 | Album 2 | Album 3 | Album 4 | Album 5 | Album 6

BPAM’s top priority is to develop its own BPAM Code of Practice in tandem with the government. The aim of the Code of Practice is to define and standardize baby product regulations within Malaysia to safeguard the welfare of babies while protecting the business interests of retailers and distributors.

Interested to know more about Babycon 3.0 and BPAM,
Website :   

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  1. kalau attend babycon ni, satu hari suntuk pun tak cukup ..
    banyak pilihan sampai rambang mata kot nak beli apa untuk baby.

    1. Memang kak, banyak pilihan dan semua barang bayi yang mesra kanak-kanak. Banyak keperluan dan barang2 bayi dgn teknologi yang terkini dan praktikal untuk kegunaan harian. Dapat harga promosi jugak. berbaloi sgt!

  2. Congrats on the award! Anyway, that is indeed such a great programme that they have for babies and parents all over / everywhere, and we do need more programme like those that they’ve planned. May it’ll all be successfull and going on smoothly.

    1. Thanks Qeela! Yup indeed, stay tune to Baby Products Association Malaysia (BPAM) website for more information. Nurturing Safer Future!

  3. tahniah. terus ye berkongsi ilmu yg bermanfaat.
    soping brg baby ni memang buat kita ghalit!
    wangi nyer.
    comel nyer.

    1. Terima kasih Aida. Haha! Mmg x nafikan shopping brg baby mmg best utk ank2 kesayangan kita kan. Baby Con 3.0 dan baby fest ni mmg ada byk teknologi dan produk yang praktikal untuk ibubapa dan kanak2. Dgn harga promosi skali, mmg berbaloi!

  4. Congratulations to all ibuencer winners

    1. Yeah! Congratulations to all IBUencer mommies winners! You are awesome!

  5. wow .great event..lagi best tgok u pakai baju kurung la wui khaty..banyak yang boleh di kongsi melalui event ni kan..sesuai untuk semua ibu

    1. Tqtq, mmg mouse mommy suka pakai baju kurung. Official, selesa dan sesuai utk semua majlis. Yup yup, Baby Con 3.0 dan baby fest ni mmg sesuai utk semua ibubapa dan ank2.

  6. Wahhh bestnya tapii mesti rambang mata nak beli barangan baby tu

    1. Haha! Betul tu. Tak payah risau, mak ayah dan ank2 blh explore, experiment and jugak experience semua produk yang ada kat sini. Tak payah risau beli brg yg kurang sesuai utk ank2 kita.

  7. wow! 50 over brands...mmg syok la! btw, congrats mommy! you really deserved that!

    1. Thank you Sally! Mmg byk brands kat Baby Con 3.0 dan Baby Fest , siap produk2 drpd satu dunia. Ada yg drpd Malaysia, Korea, Germany, Taiwan dan sebagainya.

  8. Congrats cathy!U really deserve it and please give us some tips on parenting.Like to read ur post dear.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind support Amni! Definitely will share more parenting blog publication that beneficial to parents and kids! Thank YOU!

  9. tahniah kathy!semoga next year u menang lagi sbb u really deserve it!~

    1. Thank you so much! Mouse mommy is really appreciate all kind supports from family, friends, readers, brands, pr dan all that found MouseMommyTreats blog publication is positive, useful info, practical tips and promoting healthy family lifestyle for parents and kids! Thank YOU!

  10. Congratulations for the win! i dapat juga invite tapi tak sempat nak pergi. if ada lagi next year definitely akan pergi :)

  11. omg congrats for winning the title of ibuencer! btw, the event looks so much fun :D

    1. Thank you so much! Mouse mommy really appreciate my reader that nominated me. My pleasure to be one of the BPAM IBUENCER Award 2018 winners. Thanks to my family, friends, readers, BPAM, Brands, PR and all! Yup many exciting mommy baby related products available in Baby Con 3.0 and Baby Fest for all parents and kids!

  12. Congratulations for all especially for you, Kathy. You are a good role model. Love to see ur posts in social media regarding parenting and lifestyle. Definitely benefits to all new mummies out there. Keep inspiring us !

    1. Thanks Zharif! Glad that you loved my posting! You are a positive mindset and cheerful guy too that brings us sunshine and laugh always! Lets bring Love and Positive Messages to inspiring the community for better world! Thank YOU!

  13. Wah!! Tahniah atas penganugerahan tersebut.. u deserve it.. kathy nampak sweet sangat berbaju kurung.. love it..

    1. Thank you so much Kak Murni! Saya bersyukur sgt atas anugerah IBUencer ni dan berharap penulisan blog saya dapat manfaat kepada ibubapa, kanak-kanak dan komuniti jugak!

  14. Congrats Ibuencer! =) Is that from the word Influencer become Ibuencer? Good one =)

    1. Yeah! You are definitely right! IBUencer = Mummy Influencer. Glad that be awarded as one of the IBUencer nominated by mouse mommy's readers. Really Thankful and feeling appreciated. Cheers!

  15. Congrats sis! you deserve it. I suka style u jaga anak u and ur style. Unique and you go sis!

    1. Haha! Zayani, Thank you very much for your support! Happy that you love to read up my blog too! Thank You!

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