Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

2023 年世界睡眠日 | AmLife 提倡“再生睡眠 – 不老的秘诀”的理念以协助解决睡眠问题

AmLife 国际私人有限公司今日于吉隆坡成功时代广场向媒体介绍其再生睡眠讲座活动,继续为推动世界睡眠日(WSD)不遗余力,以协助解决日趋严重的睡眠问题。

后疫情时代为人们的生活带来全新的意义和挑战,尤其是在睡眠质量方面。美国国立医学图书 馆生物技术信息中心指出,新冠疫情使许多人饱受各种短期和长期后遗症的影响,其中有40% 的人表示在疫情期间面对睡眠困难问题,31% 的人面对后疫情睡眠中断的困扰。

根据亚洲医学与健康科学期刊的报道,统计数据显示,每 10 个大马人当中,即有 9 人曾经历 某种程度的失眠问题,并且面对一或多种睡眠问题。35% 的大马人面对某类睡眠障碍,超过 53% 的大马劳动人口在 24 小时内的睡眠时间不足7 小时(最低睡眠时间),其中至少有 51% 承受工作相关压力。

与此同时,由社区卫生服务中心、卫生科学学院以及多所本地大学,如马来西亚国立大学和马大等联手展开的综合横断面在线健康与工作调查结果显示,在2021年,11,356 名就业成人当 中即有 54% 的人面对睡眠不足问题。而造成每晚睡眠时间不足 7 小时的主要原因包括照顾子 女、生活方式、睡眠条件欠佳及心理健康问题。

秉承“重新定义生活”的口号精神 AmLife 率先发起世界睡眠日活动,协助大马人提高睡眠质量 ,全面改善健康状况,并活出更美满的人生。配合世界睡眠日 AmLife与其长期合作伙伴世界 睡眠学会及已合作三年的伙伴中华睡眠关怀养生协会 TSCA)联办的《睡眠保健巡回展》今年 已迈入第8届。今年的再生睡眠讲座活动以“睡眠对健康至关重要 ”为主题,是一项涵盖马来西亚、香港和台湾的区域性睡眠教育计划。

电视主持人萧慧敏是今年 AmLife 的世界睡眠日大使。

AmLife创办人兼总裁廖文毓先生表示,睡眠教育的重要性日益受重视是因为睡眠障碍易引发 各种慢性疾病,其中包括2型糖尿病、心血管疾病、肥胖症、抑郁症和免疫相关疾病。

“长期睡眠不足会导致各种退行性疾病。科学研究证实,睡眠是增强人体免疫力和降低病毒感 染风险的最佳法门!睡眠与人体老化息息相关,睡眠障碍会影响人体的整体功能和免疫力,并使人体加速老化。” 廖社长补充道。

为此,AmLife也趁今天的活动告诉大家再生睡眠是“ 不老的秘诀 ”。 根据新闻报道,大马预计 在2030年迈入老人国行列,换言之,再过8年,我国60岁以上人口将占总入口的15.3%,意即每6个人当中,即有1人年逾60岁。

马来西亚人口老龄化不仅对国家的医疗保健行业构成重大威胁,也使我们的社会面临巨大挑战 。老人痴呆症更是老龄化国家面对的严重健康问题。全球约有 5千万人罹患老人痴呆症,而单单在日本就有 7百万人患有老人痴呆症。


 配合上述媒体活动,主办单位特邀多位睡眠专家到场分享各自对睡眠保健的看法。健康临床心 理学家和睡眠医学专家兼加州大学欧文分校医学院,精神病学与人类行为学助理临床教授Ariel B. Neikrug 医生向大家揭开与年龄相关的再生和抗老化的真相。

此外,他也畅谈后疫情时代人 们面对的心理健康问题。他认为“睡眠主要参与人体和大脑的再生和修复过程,并在人体的老化过程、心理健康和整体幸福感中起着举足轻重的作用。”

老年护理企业家和研发者兼医学博士林庚延医生在会上分享细胞退化相关知识,以及如何通过优质的睡眠和干细胞疗法提高免疫力。他表示,“现有的新冠病治疗策略无法帮助受损的器官 细胞修复再生,如今许多医学研究证实,间质干细胞 MSC)能够促进因患新冠病而受损的器 官再生,因此具有逆转新冠病长期后遗症的潜能。”


AmLife 亦在上述活动中推出“AmLife让您夜夜好眠”企业社会责任活动,旨在解决大马人最常面 对的睡眠问题。多位推广生活方式的网红将广邀其读者叙述各自的“睡眠故事”,作品获奖者可获得相应的表观遗传测试和专业医疗咨询。

在上述活动中,AmLife 推出了AmLife DeepZleep AmSonic 声频疗法寝具。

这项来自日本的独特 再生睡眠科技结合了电位疗法、AmSonic 声频疗法和温热疗法等三大创新治疗理念。此治疗组合提供全球首创再生睡眠,全方位提升身心健康,让您透过睡眠重拾健康。

过去20年来,AmLife通过来自日本的电位疗法教育和帮助人们重拾优质睡眠和健康体魄。在立足睡眠保健领域之后 AmLife继续展望在结合干细胞疗法与再生医学领域取得进展。

“这项突破性疗法有望帮助更多人延缓老化,减少病痛,并使人人都能重享优质生活。干细胞疗法能让人们在慢慢变老的过程中仍保有强壮的体魄,这是因为人体基本上是由细胞组成,而 促进新细胞持续再生在抗老化过程中发挥关键作用。”廖社长解释道。

这股动力促成AmLife 首创先河,开设 AlphaCelle——全球首创结合干细胞、高电位和外泌体提 供综合再生治疗的诊所,以帮助更多人延缓老化、减少病痛,并在晚年安享优质生活。

“我们的使命是实现干细胞治疗普及化,让更多人能透过干细胞疗法回复青春,迎向全新的幸 福人生。”廖社长兴奋地说。


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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Samsung Solve For Tomorrow Stimulates Curiosity | Interest | Solutions In STEM Among The Students

STEM competition for Form 1 and Form 2 students. As innovation rapidly changes our world, it is critical to prepare the next generation to not only adapt, but to thrive and excel in a technology-driven future. Committed to making this happen, Samsung Malaysia is running one of its global educational programs titled Solve for Tomorrow – a competition aimed at stimulating curiosity and cultivating interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, while inspiring students to help improve and fix issues faced by local communities through STEM’s innovative solutions.


“It is important for the next generations to come to be equipped with the fundamental skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to adapt to the technological change and benefit from the new opportunities technology creates. We believe in their potential to reach new heights of innovation, and to develop society-changing solutions. And Samsung is committed to helping them achieve this through the educational programs we run like Solve for Tomorrow,” said Yoonsoo Kim, President of Samsung Malaysia Electronics.


Solve for Tomorrow, a unique competition that fosters innovative thinking, creative problem-solving and teamwork, is carried out in partnership with Universiti Malaya STEM Centre. The competition is open to Form 1 and Form 2 students from participating secondary schools that Universiti Malaya STEM Centre regularly engages with to provide various STEM activities, helping them enhance their learning experience. The Solve for Tomorrow competition will kick off on October 9, 2020 and will culminate on December 8, 2020 with the announcement of winners.


Ir. Dr. Mas Sahidayana Mohktar, Head of Universiti Malaya STEM Centre remarked, "We have to enhance Science and Technology knowledge among our youngsters to solve unseen future problems. They can only paint a better picture if they are equipped with the correct tools, and the best way to ensure the mechanism is accurate is through Science and Technology education." 


Participants of the competition are required to identify an issue faced by the community and develop a solution based on STEM technology. They can choose to propose the ideas focusing on any of the four themes, namely health, education, environmental and social issues.  A team of three students will be required to send in a submission in a form of essays depicting the problem to be solved and how STEM can be a creative solution.  At the second round, 10 teams that are shortlisted will be required to refine their ideas and showcase it through a PowerPoint presentation.


Three teams will be selected at the third round. They will be required to enhance their presentation with an option to create a prototype. Each team will need to submit a video recording of the presentation and the functions of the prototype. At the final stage, the three teams will battle it out to win the top prize worth up to a total of RM37,900 by impressing the judges with their innovative STEM solutions. 


Winners of the competition will walk away with Samsung products for their respective schools and for themselves too. The first prize winning team will receive Samsung products worth up to RM16,900 that will be presented to the school while each student will receive up to RM7,000 worth of Samsung products. For the second prize, the team will receive products worth up to RM13,500 for their school while the students will each walk away with products worth up to RM6,000. The third prize winning team will receive products worth up to RM10,000 for their school while the students will win products worth up to RM5,400 each. The winners will be judged based on the relevance of issues, creativity, feasibility of ideas, application of STEM and presentation of innovative solutions.


“We believe the Solve for Tomorrow competition is an ideal platform for students to be exposed to science and technology; and harness their full potential through the use of technology. It is also an opportunity to engage and encourage students’ curiosity in STEM while making a difference in the society,” concluded Yoonsoo Kim.


What is the criteria of participation?

·       Participants must be full time students in Form 1 and Form 2 from any of the participating schools.

·       Each team should consist of three students from the same school

·       Each school can be represented by more than one team

·       One teacher can mentor one to two teams from the same school

·       Students who are keen on participating can get in touch with their teachers who will be in contact with Universiti Malaya STEM Centre.

·       Ideas submitted should apply STEM skills/knowledge and meet one of the four themes: 

Ø  Health

Ø  Education

Ø  Environment

Ø  Social 


What are the participants expected to do in this competition?

Identify one issue faced by the community and develop a creative solution based on their STEM knowledge.


Could you elaborate more about the competition?

·       The competition will begin on 9 October and will culminate on 8 December with the announcement of winners

·       Below are the respective phases:  

Ø  Phase One (9 October to 22 October)

§  Will kick off on 9 October  

§  Each team will need to submit an essay of 100 words or less describing the problem they want to solve

§  They will also need to send a second essay on how STEM can be applied to address the problem in 200 words or less.

Ø  Phase Two (28 October to 11 November)

§  At this stage, 10 teams will be shortlisted

§  They will need to refine their idea and show how it will be brought to life

§  The teams will need to share the work through a PowerPoint presentation.

Ø  Phase Three (17 November – 4 December)

§  Top three teams will be further identified

§  The teams are required to enhance their presentation. They have an option of developing a prototype

§  They are required to submit a video recording of their presentation and the functions of the prototype.

Ø  Finale Presentation and Prize Giving Ceremony (8 December 2020):

§  Teams will need to present to a panel of judges. First prize, second prize and third prize winner will be announced during the Finale Presentation.

·       All entries from phase 1 to phase 3 will need to be submitted via email to

·       The shortlisted teams will be notified via email /phone

·       No entry fee is required for this competition.


What are the prizes up for grab?

Winners of the competition will stand to win prizes for their schools and for themselves

First prize

Ø  Winning school will receive Samsung products worth up to RM16,900

Ø  Each student will receive Samsung products worth up to RM7,000

Second prize

Ø  Winning school will receive Samsung products worth up to RM13,500

Ø  Each student will receive Samsung products worth up to RM6,000

Third prize

Ø  Winning school will receive Samsung products worth up to RM10,000

Ø  Each student will receive Samsung products worth up to RM5,400


Q9. How will the entries be judged?

The entries will be judged based on:

Ø  Identifying the issues and relevance in addressing them

Ø  Feasibility and elaboration of solution proposed

Ø  Creativity and innovativeness of solution (uniqueness & originality)

Ø  Use of STEM to solve the problem

Ø  Presentation skills during the finale

They will each carry different weightage depending on the requirement for each phase.


Interested to know more about Solve for Tomorrow,

Website :

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunway Lagoon And Sunway University Explore Education And Research On Sun Bears

Sun Bear is the Smallest bear species in the world.

Sunway Lagoon and Sunway University see a joint collaboration between the two entities towards the enhancement of tertiary education in Malaysia, built on the strong, rich and diverse heritage and legacy shared by both parties.

Launching and Welcome to Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park! Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

Representing Sunway Lagoon at the revealing educational board ceremony, which is held at Sunway Lagoon, was Calvin Ho, Executive Director of Sunway Theme Parks.

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

Representing Sunway University at the ceremony is Dr. Elizabeth Lee, Senior Executive Director of Sunway Education Group. Also present were Associate Professor Dr. Shyamala Ratnayeke, Department of Biological Sciences.

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

Associate Professor Dr. Shyamala Ratnayeke studies the ecology and conservation of tropical mammals and the biology of invasive species. 

Associate Professor Dr. Shyamala Ratnayeke 

In 2002, she received an International Research Fellowship Award from the US National Science Foundation to conduct research on wild carnivores in Sri Lanka, including a pioneering study on the sloth bear. She began work on the ecology and population genetics of sun bears and invasive apple snails when she joined Sunway University.

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

The unveiling of this particular research project on sun bears shows reflects the development of conservation educational programs between Sunway Lagoon and Sunway University. 

Sun Bear

All Asian bears are threatened by habitat loss and poaching for body parts that are commercially valuable for traditional Asian medicine and cuisine. 

The collaboration between the university and Sunway Lagoon is to create greater awareness among visitors of the problems faced by sun bears and to inspire action that will help to conserve our unique native wildlife.

Sun Bear info

There are two subspecies of sun bears in Malaysia, the Malayan subspecies (Helarctos malayanus malayanus) is found in Peninsular Malaysia and the Bornean subspecies (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus) is found in Borneo. It is relatively difficult to differentiate between subspecies based on physical characteristics, although Bornean sun bears are smaller on average; therefore, research on the species’ phylogeny is important. Sun bears are listed as Totally Protected Wildlife under the Second Schedule of our Wildlife Conservation Act 2010.

Sun Bear

Dr. Shyamala collaborates with Dr. Jactty Chew, a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences, Sunway University. They’ve obtained funding from Sunway University, Lancaster University, and three years of funding from the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) Grant for their research on landscape characteristics and population genetic structure of Sun bears in Malaysia.

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University ! 

One of the projects aims to assess genetic variation of sun bears in Malaysia, and Sunway Lagoon is pleased to contribute genetic samples from the sun Bear in the wildlife park. Together with other samples offered by PERHILITAN (Department of Wildlife and National Park) and BSBCC (Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre), the first study to evaluate genetic divergence between peninsula and Bornean subspecies has been made possible.

White Tiger

White Tiger

Many wildlife are spotted in the Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park such as White Tiger, lion, parrot, peacock, flamingo, owl, Patagonian Mara, Meerkat, Miniature Horse and many more. 


Pet village such as rabbit feeding, longkang fishing, Emu feeding, Guinea Pig feeding and Tortoise feeding. 

Meanwhile, the undertaking between Sunway Lagoon and Sunway University is to promote the United Nation’s global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the creation of edutainment platforms. Calvin Ho said, “Our global renowned SDG focus on sustainability and lifelong learning makes Sunway Lagoon more than just a theme park. We are firm ‘bea-lievers’ of merging science and tangible experiences to all our guests”.

Sun Bear and #MouseMommyTreats

Dr. Elizabeth also said, “A small act of kindness and compassion towards a single animal today is the very act which will ensure the sustainability of the fellow creatures who share the earth with us. As joint inhabitants of this planet we need to protect each other, preserve the environment and ensure the future. 

Break Through Research on Sun Bear Conservation Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park X Sunway University Lunch Session

Just as the sun-bears are an endangered species, so is our eco-system, the fabric of our existence. Sunway supports the SDGs and strives to safeguard all lives on land, in the air and under the sea. Won’t you all join us?”

Enjoy our colourful cum yummy lunch! 

We are also having lunch and have #BestDayEver at Sunway Lagoon. 

ATV Drive experience at Sunway Lagoon

Delicious and varieties of foodies are served. 

Mouse mommy is especially loves the mushroom soup with garlic bread and the creative colourful desserts. 

Many staffs welcoming us with colourful SOP reminder board that is good to ensure all are #StaySafe #StayHealth.

Social Distancing practise #StaySafe #SOP

Photo moments

Sanitize all guests at the Sunway Lagoon entrance

Sunway Lagoon's daily activities and highlights for your reference if you are visiting to Sunway Lagoon.

Sunway Lagoon activities 

Welcome to Sunway Lagoon

Interested to get more info on Sunway Lagoon,
Instagram :

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