Showing posts with label uspotatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uspotatoes. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2024

U.S. Potatoes | The Jingle and Magic with U.S. Potatoes Festive Extravaganza

The Jingle U.S. Potatoes All The Way Christmas Workshop, a unique culinary event celebrating the versatility and flavor of U.S. potatoes, took invited guests and influencers on an immersive journey through the world of potatoes. 

Hosted at FunFun Event Space, the event ran from 10:30AM to 2PM featuring a variety of activities, cooking demonstrations and interactive workshops.

The event kicked off with guests arriving to a vibrant product showcase. They were presented with a Potato Christmas Garden displaying an array of U.S. fresh potato varieties such as Russet, Red, and Purple along with different cuts of frozen U.S. potatoes as well as instant U.S. mashed potatoes mixes.

Guests could also commemorate the moment at a photo booth and partake in a social media contest.

The fun-filled events feature various activities and games at the product showcase with successful participants receiving special prizes and free gifts, adding an element of friendly games and engagement.

Shortly afterwards, the emcee warmly welcomed guests to the main event, setting the stage for an exciting day. 

Mr Eddie Saw, who is the Country Representative of Potatoes USA, delivered an enlightening speech about the journey and significance of U.S. potatoes.

Renowned Chef ZieZie then captivated the audience by demonstrating how to prepare Baked U.S. Potatoes with Cheese, followed by a hands-on cooking workshop with her creation of “Twinkle U.S. Potatoes Stars”, a delightful potato dish using U.S. Russet potatoes.

The celebration continued with Chef Taufiq Halim leading a potato carving workshop, teaching guests to carve two festive figurines from U.S. Russet and Purple potatoes.

Following this delightful celebration of the versatility of potatoes, Chef ZieZie presented certificates of attendance to guests. This was followed by a group photo session, capturing the day's memorable moments.

Following a sumptuous lunch, the excitement peaked with the announcement of the social media contest winners. A total of ten lucky guests received special prizes for their efforts and participation.

The event concluded at 2PM, after interviews with guests for a commemorative video.

The Jingle U.S. Potatoes All The Way Christmas Workshop was a celebration of U.S. potatoes, highlighting their nutritional benefits and culinary versatility.

It was a day filled with learning, enjoyment, and delicious potato-based treats, leaving guests with a deeper appreciation for this humble yet versatile vegetable.

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Sunday, April 30, 2023



老鼠妈咪在浏览美国土豆或者马铃薯网站寻找一些有趣的食谱偶然发现这个食谱  蜂蜜芥末和香草扇贝美国土豆】是由营养师 Indra Balaratnam 制作。 这是一道低脂菜肴,由切成薄片的美国赤褐色土豆和美味的香草奶油酱制成。 它由美国赤褐色土豆、蔬菜汤、低脂牛奶、蜂蜜、新鲜龙蒿香草、黄油、洋葱以及少许盐和胡椒制成。 每份仅含 4 克脂肪和 164 千卡。

您可以从此链接点击查看这一道有益健康的土豆  蜂蜜芥末和香草扇贝美国土豆】食谱 :

顺便说一下,每次点击都会增加我从 U.S. Potatoes 赢得代币的机会。 小伙计们,我真的很感谢你们的帮助! 所以开始点击吧!

我个人非常喜欢土豆菜肴。 土豆是世界各国受欢迎的主食。 尤其是美国马铃薯,味道鲜美,用途极其广泛,而且营养丰富。 有很多方法可以准备和食用这种营养丰富的蔬菜,从烤土豆到土豆泥。

美国土豆是一种更健康的选择,这是它们的主食之一。 对于寻求保持健康饮食的您来说,土豆是错的选择,因为它们不含胆固醇、钠和脂肪。 土豆是一种低热量食品,可以帮助控制体重,因为每份只有 110 卡路里,大约相当于一个中等大小的马铃薯。

美国马铃薯不仅热量低,而且能量比任何其他受欢迎的蔬菜都高。 一个中等大小的美国马铃薯中含有约30% 的每日维生素 C维生素 C 对增强身体的免疫系统至关重要。 维生素 C 可以增强我们的免疫系统,它可以帮助我们抵抗普通感冒等疾病。

维生素 B6 对健康的细胞功能至关重要,是美国马铃薯中发现的另一种令人印象深刻的营养素。 一个中等大小的马铃薯中含有 10% 的维生素 B6 每日推荐摄入量。 维生素 B6 是新陈代谢、血细胞生成和细胞健康的重要组成部分。 此外,每份土豆含有 克植物性蛋白质,这是肌肉、韧带和结缔组织的重要组成部分。

钾是一种对许多身体过程必不可少的矿物质,是美国马铃薯中富含的另一种营养素。 一个中等大小的马铃薯(包括皮)每份含有 620 毫克钾,比中等大小的香蕉高 15% 钾支持健康的水合作用水平,控制血压,并支持健康的肌肉和神经功能。

美国马铃薯用途极为广泛,可以用多种方式烹制。 他们提供无数的膳食烹饪选择,包括烘烤、蒸、煮、煎和烧烤。 无论是作为配菜、主菜还是沙拉,美国马铃薯都是美味又有益健康的佐料。

老鼠妈咪真的很喜欢土豆用途广泛、味道鲜美且营养丰富——它们对我们的健康有很多好处。 它们是一种高营养食品,热量、脂肪和胆固醇含量低,而维生素、矿物质和植物性蛋白质含量高。 无论您想吃得健康还是只想享受一顿美餐,美国马铃薯都是一个不错的选择哦!


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