Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Four Star Industries | Innovative Mattress Solutions Improve Sleep Quality And Wellness Nationwide


Singapore's foremost mattress brand, Four Star Industries made its highly anticipated debut in Malaysia. 

Held at their new showroom in Petaling Jaya, the brand unveiled three revolutionary mattress series, each engineered to redefine comfort and elevate sleep quality to unprecedented heights. The new showroom is open to the public and is located at Four Star Showroom, 68, Jalan SS2/75, 47300 Petaling Jaya.

The event witnessed an enlightening exploration of sleep science, delving into the intricacies of quality mattresses and their pivotal role in promoting optimal rest. 

The event also saw the unveiling of three innovative mattress collections:

DETENSE | Arcticsilk® Advanze Aire FlexTM: Engineered with Advanze Aire FlexTM technology, this series offers adaptive support and superior spinal alignment, ensuring a restorative sleep experience.

Chiro Series: Developed in collaboration with World Federation of Chiropractors, this series prioritises ergonomic design and targeted support to alleviate common sleep-related discomforts and promote overall wellness.

Essential Series: Newly upgraded Essential Series designed to provide an innovative solution to your back and neck support and help you sleep comfortably. It maintains our body's natural curve throughout the night.

Additionally, Four Star Industries is proud to offer customisable bed sizes, ensuring that each individual can find the perfect fit for their sleep needs. This commitment to customisation reflects Four Star Industries' dedication to providing tailored solutions that cater to the unique preferences and requirements of every customer, further enhancing the overall sleep experience.

Dr. Ling Huat Sing, Chief Executive Officer of Four Star Industries Group said, “While celebrating the grand opening of Four Star Industries in Malaysia, this event underscores our broader mission - to champion the importance of good sleeping habits and empower individuals to prioritise their sleep health. By combining innovative mattress technology with expert insights, Four Star Industries is poised to make a significant impact in promoting sleep wellness and fostering a culture of restorative sleep.”

Managing sleep-related difficulties among Malaysians

According to a report published in the Asian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, an overwhelming 9 in 10 Malaysians experience some level of insomnia or encounter one or more sleep problems. Perhaps even more concerning, over 53% of Malaysia's workforce fails to achieve the recommended minimum of seven hours of sleep within a 24-hour period. These concerning statistics underscore the pressing need for initiatives to tackle sleep-related challenges and encourage better sleep practices.

The event was also attended by Dr Vicknesh Kandasamy, a distinguished expert in chiropractic care, who shared invaluable insights into the significance of adopting good sleeping habits. In line with Four Star Industries' dedication to promoting sleep wellness, attendees were encouraged to share their concerns and challenges during the event. With the guidance of the sleep experts, personalised solutions were offered to optimise sleep quality and well-being.

For more information about the mattresses, please visit the Four Star Malaysia,

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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

2023 年世界睡眠日 | AmLife 提倡“再生睡眠 – 不老的秘诀”的理念以协助解决睡眠问题

AmLife 国际私人有限公司今日于吉隆坡成功时代广场向媒体介绍其再生睡眠讲座活动,继续为推动世界睡眠日(WSD)不遗余力,以协助解决日趋严重的睡眠问题。

后疫情时代为人们的生活带来全新的意义和挑战,尤其是在睡眠质量方面。美国国立医学图书 馆生物技术信息中心指出,新冠疫情使许多人饱受各种短期和长期后遗症的影响,其中有40% 的人表示在疫情期间面对睡眠困难问题,31% 的人面对后疫情睡眠中断的困扰。

根据亚洲医学与健康科学期刊的报道,统计数据显示,每 10 个大马人当中,即有 9 人曾经历 某种程度的失眠问题,并且面对一或多种睡眠问题。35% 的大马人面对某类睡眠障碍,超过 53% 的大马劳动人口在 24 小时内的睡眠时间不足7 小时(最低睡眠时间),其中至少有 51% 承受工作相关压力。

与此同时,由社区卫生服务中心、卫生科学学院以及多所本地大学,如马来西亚国立大学和马大等联手展开的综合横断面在线健康与工作调查结果显示,在2021年,11,356 名就业成人当 中即有 54% 的人面对睡眠不足问题。而造成每晚睡眠时间不足 7 小时的主要原因包括照顾子 女、生活方式、睡眠条件欠佳及心理健康问题。

秉承“重新定义生活”的口号精神 AmLife 率先发起世界睡眠日活动,协助大马人提高睡眠质量 ,全面改善健康状况,并活出更美满的人生。配合世界睡眠日 AmLife与其长期合作伙伴世界 睡眠学会及已合作三年的伙伴中华睡眠关怀养生协会 TSCA)联办的《睡眠保健巡回展》今年 已迈入第8届。今年的再生睡眠讲座活动以“睡眠对健康至关重要 ”为主题,是一项涵盖马来西亚、香港和台湾的区域性睡眠教育计划。

电视主持人萧慧敏是今年 AmLife 的世界睡眠日大使。

AmLife创办人兼总裁廖文毓先生表示,睡眠教育的重要性日益受重视是因为睡眠障碍易引发 各种慢性疾病,其中包括2型糖尿病、心血管疾病、肥胖症、抑郁症和免疫相关疾病。

“长期睡眠不足会导致各种退行性疾病。科学研究证实,睡眠是增强人体免疫力和降低病毒感 染风险的最佳法门!睡眠与人体老化息息相关,睡眠障碍会影响人体的整体功能和免疫力,并使人体加速老化。” 廖社长补充道。

为此,AmLife也趁今天的活动告诉大家再生睡眠是“ 不老的秘诀 ”。 根据新闻报道,大马预计 在2030年迈入老人国行列,换言之,再过8年,我国60岁以上人口将占总入口的15.3%,意即每6个人当中,即有1人年逾60岁。

马来西亚人口老龄化不仅对国家的医疗保健行业构成重大威胁,也使我们的社会面临巨大挑战 。老人痴呆症更是老龄化国家面对的严重健康问题。全球约有 5千万人罹患老人痴呆症,而单单在日本就有 7百万人患有老人痴呆症。


 配合上述媒体活动,主办单位特邀多位睡眠专家到场分享各自对睡眠保健的看法。健康临床心 理学家和睡眠医学专家兼加州大学欧文分校医学院,精神病学与人类行为学助理临床教授Ariel B. Neikrug 医生向大家揭开与年龄相关的再生和抗老化的真相。

此外,他也畅谈后疫情时代人 们面对的心理健康问题。他认为“睡眠主要参与人体和大脑的再生和修复过程,并在人体的老化过程、心理健康和整体幸福感中起着举足轻重的作用。”

老年护理企业家和研发者兼医学博士林庚延医生在会上分享细胞退化相关知识,以及如何通过优质的睡眠和干细胞疗法提高免疫力。他表示,“现有的新冠病治疗策略无法帮助受损的器官 细胞修复再生,如今许多医学研究证实,间质干细胞 MSC)能够促进因患新冠病而受损的器 官再生,因此具有逆转新冠病长期后遗症的潜能。”


AmLife 亦在上述活动中推出“AmLife让您夜夜好眠”企业社会责任活动,旨在解决大马人最常面 对的睡眠问题。多位推广生活方式的网红将广邀其读者叙述各自的“睡眠故事”,作品获奖者可获得相应的表观遗传测试和专业医疗咨询。

在上述活动中,AmLife 推出了AmLife DeepZleep AmSonic 声频疗法寝具。

这项来自日本的独特 再生睡眠科技结合了电位疗法、AmSonic 声频疗法和温热疗法等三大创新治疗理念。此治疗组合提供全球首创再生睡眠,全方位提升身心健康,让您透过睡眠重拾健康。

过去20年来,AmLife通过来自日本的电位疗法教育和帮助人们重拾优质睡眠和健康体魄。在立足睡眠保健领域之后 AmLife继续展望在结合干细胞疗法与再生医学领域取得进展。

“这项突破性疗法有望帮助更多人延缓老化,减少病痛,并使人人都能重享优质生活。干细胞疗法能让人们在慢慢变老的过程中仍保有强壮的体魄,这是因为人体基本上是由细胞组成,而 促进新细胞持续再生在抗老化过程中发挥关键作用。”廖社长解释道。

这股动力促成AmLife 首创先河,开设 AlphaCelle——全球首创结合干细胞、高电位和外泌体提 供综合再生治疗的诊所,以帮助更多人延缓老化、减少病痛,并在晚年安享优质生活。

“我们的使命是实现干细胞治疗普及化,让更多人能透过干细胞疗法回复青春,迎向全新的幸 福人生。”廖社长兴奋地说。


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Monday, September 5, 2022

Zinus Mattress and Furniture | Quality Mattress and Bed Frame With Affordable Price



Zinus is the World’s #1 Online Mattress and Furniture Brand.  It is also the #1 online furniture company in the US online mattress market in terms of sales revenue as well as sales volume. Zinus’ success is based on the unique concept of packaging a mattress into a box. Because Zinus has been able to fit its product into a single box, it has successfully cut logistics costs.

“Furniture/mattress into a box” is a core technology built from tent compression technology Zinus has made significant strides in the traditional mattress manufacturing business with its innovation of using compression technology, which the company first implemented 30 years ago. Zinus compresses mattresses and inserts them into a box that is easily deliverable. Historically, a mattress has been one of the heaviest and most bulky furniture items that usually entails the renting of a truck to deliver. That a mattress can be delivered in a box is a paradigm shift in the industry, overcoming the perception that a mattress compressed in a box could only be of low or poor-quality.


More than 1,000,000 customer reviews accumulated over the years are a testament to the quality of the product. Before 2007, mattresses were not generally available through online channels. However, the company focused on packaging foam & spring mattresses into boxes to be marketed through online channels and commenced online sales in 2007 – In fact, The World’s First Mattress-In-A-Box is born in Zinus.  


Growing concurrently with online retail as the #1 online furniture player in the US The company made products that ‘fit into a box’ so that they can be marketed through the online channel. This has effectively cut the cost of each mattress, making the products more affordable to customers. When customers receive the product, it is simple to assemble. Zinus has focused on developing methods to simplify the furniture assembly process with minimum steps, and has obtained patents for the process to differentiate itself from competitors. As delivery is cheaper and distribution cost lower, positive reviews have accumulated on websites such as from online consumers.


In particular,we believe the concept of small box-packed mattresses, which the company first commercialized in 2005, has revolutionized the existing mattress industry. Following the mattress, a small box-packed bed frame was also developed, expanding the scope of business to a-bed-in-a box, and follow by sofa-in-a-box.  Thanks to smaller box packaging, Zinus is able to provide good and affordable products to their customers.


The company’s R&D team is comprised of 18 employees. In developing the product, the company considers comments from customers and gathers suggestions/know-how from other teams to manufacture its proprietary products. The company is fast in research and development. Zinus has accumulated know-how to design some furniture that fits into a box. The company produces more than 95% of products in-house in low-cost-based countries, such as China and Indonesia. As the size of the product and packaging is 1/10 that of regular furniture, Zinus is able to keep prices low by saving on delivery and distribution costs. As the company is focused on mattresses and major popular items, economies of scale enable the company to attract customers with extremely competitive product prices.

The mattress is packaged into a single box, which makes it possible for a single adult to carry the product, whereas the traditional mattress will need at least two adults to move the mattress The mattress is rolled up, tightly compressed through vacuum packing, so the manual specifies that after unpacking the product it may take between 24-48 hours for the mattress to fully inflate.


Zinus uses natural plant extract and natural seeds oil to manufacture their memory foam.  This is especially important for customers who suffer from allergy.  Zinus memory foams non-harmful to human beings.  In fact, Zinus memory foam has a lower radon level 0.03pCi/L vs. the recommended safe level guided by Korean government 4pCi/L.


Zinus Mattresses comes with 10 years Warranty and 100-Days Free Trial.  However, entry level mattresses are excluded from the 100-Days Free Trial.


Mouse mommy is visiting to Zinus Mattress and Furniture Showroom at Puchong to choose bed and mattress last week. Many good quality mattresses and bed frames to choose from. Friendly staff to give me details explanation. 


Fast in delivery! Mouse mommy had our compressed mattress aka Mattress In A Box + one box packaging for the bed frame delivered to us with Free Shipping to my parents’ house. It took us around 30 mins to fully assemble and set -up the bed frame with lay out the mattress.


This is the Zinus mattress iCoil Hybrid Latex Euro Top Spring Mattress 10" that mouse mommy choose via


This spring mattress by Zinus features hundreds of independent pocketed springs, providing abundant amount of support while reducing motion disturbance for nights of peaceful sleep. The composition of natural latex and high-density foam on top of 7.5” Pocketed Springs provides stable, ventilated and comforting support. This unique combination will help you sleep well and wake up refreshed. Please open your mattress package within 72 hours of receipt and allow 48 hours for your new mattress to return to its original, plush shape. Another comfort innovation from Zinus. Pioneering comfort. 


Comfortable mattress with body posture and back support that makes every night sleep well.


Zinus has started to expand its product category from mattresses only to the living and other furniture business. Zinus first sofa was released in February 2019 has already become a best-seller on Amazon US. 


Which is the most value-for-money mattress?

It is again our iCoil® 10” Spring Mattress.  It is one of the best value for money pocket spring mattresses in Singapore for the past 2 years.  It has garnered 4.9 stars rating across marketplaces such as Lazada and Shopee in Singapore.  Coming with 10 years warranty and 100-Days Free Trial.  It certainly worth every penny.


Which is the most luxurious mattress?

Our most luxurious mattress model is our iCoil® Hybrid Latex & Cool Gel Memory Foam 2.0 “Cool” Series Box Top Mattress (14”).  This model is equivalent to those luxurious mattresses that are sold in the market, in fact to us, it is our Hotel Collection feel.  With a Medium Soft feel of 5/10 firmness, coupled with Extreme Cool Fabric on the top, and 100% Natural Latex and Cool Gel Infused Memory Foam within, this iCoil pocketed spring mattress is a gem.  Suitable for any types of sleepers, especially those who like softer luxurious hotel type of feel.


How does one choose between a foam or spring mattress?

Well, the most significant difference between a memory foam mattress to a spring mattress is the comfort feel.  A gradual sinking feeling gives your body a real chance to relax into the mattress while still providing a right support for your body. Memory foam mattresses are great to provide pressure relieve for your body.  They are also generally lighter and can greatly reduce motion transfer during sleep.  On the other hand, a spring mattress focusing on providing you with greater support.  

Pocketed spring mattress can reduce any partner disturbances due to toss and turn.  As the pocketed spring will react to your body shape and weight, you will feel that your body will be well supported when you sleep. In this part of the world, most of us are accustomed to a spring mattress feel.  Although we have to say that memory foam mattresses are beginning to get their well deserved fan base for the past decade.  The good news is that Zinus has a wide range of Hybrid Mattresses which have best of both worlds – Pocketed Spring and Memory Foam.


How are ingredients like green tea, olive oil and charcoal infused into the mattresses? What are their benefits?

Our signature Green Tea Memory Foam Mattresses are produced with green tea oil extract.  It is natural and non-toxic.  There is a special process of extracting the oil from its leaves, and with special foam making machines, we are able to produce our best selling Green Tea Memory Foam Mattresses.  The same process applies to our Olive Oil Memory Foam.  As for our Charcoal Memory Foam, charcoal is treated, finely grind and infused into natural seed oil, before it is baked in our special foam machine.  All our memory foams are using natural seed oils or plant extract oil, so what it does mean is that it will be non-toxic and non harmful to human beings.  While green tea is naturally antimicrobial, charcoal is great to eliminate any odour and can keep moisture at bay.


What is considered a proper foundation for a mattress? Is it ok for a mattress to be on the floor?

A proper foundation will be the one that can withstand the weight of the mattress and the persons sleeping on it.  The base of the foundation should be solid and not flexible.  A flexible base will not deliver the optimum support for your body and it will change the feel of your mattress – with a flexible base, your mattress will feel softer than it would normally feel.  For our Zinus bedframes or foundations, they can take up to 250kg for Queen or King sizes, and it comes with 5 years warranty to give you a piece of mind.


Is a mattress topper necessary?

It is important for customers to get a mattress that suits them.  That for us, is essential.  Getting the right mattress not only can allow them to have a better quality of sleep, but it will also help them save some money to invest in getting a topper for their mattresses.  For us, a Topper is used to refresh the feel of the mattress.  For example, if their mattresses are too firm, they can purchase a softer topper to ‘soften’ their mattresses, so that they can sleep better with lesser pressure points.


Zinus Memory Foam Toppers are available for 3” Cool Gel (soft firmness) and 4” Green Tea (medium firmness)


How does Zinus keep prices so low?

Zinus business strategy has always been delivering best value for money products to our customers.  All our products are flat-packed in a box, including our bedframe and sofa!  Yes, you heard it right.  Even our sofa is packed in a box!  

Our flat-packed technology not only reduces our shipping costs, it also greatly reduced domestic delivery cost. Of course, this is not all.  Our vertical integration business model allow us to greatly reduce middleman costs.  We produce our own Foam and Spring from our own factories around the world.


SHOP Online Now and Enjoy 𝟐𝟓% 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞 [ WK𝟐𝟓 ]

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Showroom Address

1-1, Jalan Merbah 1

Bandar Puchong Jaya

47170 Puchong


Tel +603-8082 3359 (Office)

WhatsApp +6011-3129 9882 (Customer Service)


Showroom Hours

10am to 8pm (Mon to Fri)

12pm to 8pm (Sat/Sun/PH)

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