Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

千年媒体ToYm 推动教育、娱乐与时尚迈向新高度

由晟创娱乐 SunStrong Entertainment创办人林成(Jment Lim立的千年媒体Thousands of Years MediaToYm),作一家充满远见的公司,正引生活方式新的新代,将教育、尚与娱乐融合于一个充活力的平台。千年媒体ToYm 度的方式,致力于提供正能量、高品且富有意的体,激励人探索新的造力、可持续发展及智慧追求。


千年媒体 ToYm 娱乐、教育、科技与营销四大支柱业务为


在千年媒体ToYm 形象顾问 Nini Wong 黄馨带领下,千年媒体 ToYm 旗下的尚品牌 ToYm Wardrobe首次亮相便推出四大系列、共80余款全新设计,包括丝带系列(Ribbon and Lace Collection)、牛仔系列(Jeans Collection)、典系列(Classic Collection)以及粉色西装系列(Blush Pink Suits Collection)。每个系列都精心设计,除了彰个性,更合永恒雅与代潮流。


为发布活的一部分,ToYm Wardrobe 推出了旧衣新衣保活,只要你捐出旧衣物就能取全新的女性服,完全免,活更有超80款精选时品供来宾选择,确保每位参与者都能有独特而美好的尚体


而所有收集到的旧衣物将捐至慈回收中心(Tzu Chi Recycling Center),以支持有需要的人,并弘社区关怀精神。此外,只要每成功售出一件新衣,ToYm Wardrobe 将捐RM10用于支持公益事,回社会。


千年媒体 ToYm 始人林成表示:尚不关乎外表,更关注社会任。通旧衣新衣,促可持续时展,以实际减少纺织,并倡导负责任的消费习惯。我希望鼓励消者做出更具意选择,同真正改善人的生活。只是我向更可持和包容性尚行的第一步。



除了尚,千年媒体ToYm 正式与世界力培机构(World Mind Development Sdn Bhd创办金富(Teo Kim Foo签约,此次签约是千年媒体收世界力培机构划中的重要一,有助于大其在教育域的影响力。此,金富将带头开展千年媒体 ToYm 的教育划,公司对终身学和智力充的承


金富是一位出色的记忆动员,也是来西亚记忆动组织 (MMSO) 的主席,该组织根据来西 1966 年《社法》注册,并得世界记忆理事会的可,理事会是记忆的独立管理机构,负责管理全球比


千年媒体ToYm 将于 2025  3  23 日在吉隆坡举办金富主持的“Super Memory”记忆法分享会。有趣者留意千年媒体ToYm社交媒体的相关信息并名。



尚与教育之外,娱乐仍然是千年媒体 ToYm 愿景的支柱之一。出席者会的嘉宾们见证来西首部华语微短《入》(In Character)的完整首播。部引人入集以故事述的力量,探社会重要议题,与千年媒体ToYm 过创意表达推社会革的使命高度契合。


《入述了昔日影后卉虹的情感旅程。在遭受丈夫背叛后,她勇敢踏上找真相、捍的道路。该剧由一众本地力演李浩菖(Jonathan Lee) 、吴胤婷 (Fancy Goh)、小薇薇、何 (Lisha Ho)、盛天俊(Jordan Sen) 情出演,其深刻的情和励志的主众深受触







千年媒体ToYm 2025年的划即将推出至少5部短,至少2影,同时还将投入重金举办重磅,包括旨在掘下一代娱乐明星的千年星 · 男神女神千年短 · 本王者,旨在培养新编剧和幕后制作人才;千年媒体 · 最佳短,旨在发现和支持微秀新作者。比赛胜出的利者不得丰厚金,更有机会与千年媒体签约,开启娱乐章!




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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Happy 57th Birthday guardian Malaysia | Marks its 57th Birthday by Continuing to Nurture the Beauty and Wellbeing of Malaysians

guardian Malaysia celebrates its 57th year of operations with a series of activities that reinforce its commitment to nurturing the beauty and wellbeing of Malaysians. These activities include:

Pink October campaign in collaboration with Kundal and The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) to raise awareness, expand access, and drive action in the nation’s fight against breast cancer.


The launch of new, exclusive beauty and wellbeing brands in guardian Malaysia’s stores nationwide and online, culminating in an official event later this month at guardian The Exchange TRX mall to celebrate these exciting new offerings.


An exclusive 57% discount promotion on the purchase of the second item across 3,000 products, available both in-store and online throughout the month.


Through these initiatives, guardian Malaysia aims to remind and encourage Malaysians from all walks of life to prioritize nurturing their own beauty and wellbeing.


Anna Ng, Marketing Director of guardian Malaysia, emphasized:

“Outer beauty and inner wellbeing require daily nurturing. This includes having knowledge about what’s good for you and being able to access the ‘right choice’ of beauty and wellbeing products.”


Pink October: Guardian Malaysia Steps Up in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Breast cancer remains the #1 cancer affecting women in Malaysia, with 1 in 19 women being diagnosed. Due to a lack of awareness and low rates of early detection—especially among lower-income households—nearly half of the cases are only confirmed in the late stages (Stages 3 and 4). 

This has resulted in a low 5-year survival rate of 66.8% which is much lower than other Asian countries such as Singapore (79%), South Korea (92.6%), and Japan (96.2%).


Early detection is crucial in combating breast cancer. In partnership with Kundal and The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM), guardian Malaysia will introduce an exclusive Pink Glove breast self-examination kit.


It includes a scrub glove with self-examination steps, two bottles of body wash, and one body scrub, retailing at RM23.88.

For every Pink Glove kit sold, part of proceeds will be contributed to NCSM to support work in education, awareness, and early detection programs for breast cancer.


Additionally, 10,000 Pink Glove kits will be set aside and distributed by NCSM to underprivileged women across Malaysia.

Dr. Murallitharan Munisamy
, Managing Director of NCSM, said:


“We are grateful to guardian Malaysia for stepping up efforts to improve access to breast cancer self-examinations. The Pink Glove kit, coupled with the awareness campaign, donation drive, and distribution to underprivileged women, offers a holistic approach to addressing breast cancer across all demographics.”


Throughout Pink October, guardian will run a digital campaign to raise awareness about early detection, including a video by Dr. Tan Gie Hooi, Breast & Oncoplastic Surgeon, on the importance of early detection.


Additionally, NCSM will host informative sessions on breast cancer awareness at guardian The Exchange TRX mall from 21 to 27 October 2024, alongside educational and screening campaigns targeting underprivileged communities at Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Hiliran Ampang. 

October’s Special: Launch of Exclusive New Brands at Guardian Malaysia


“guardian Malaysia continues to curate the best beauty and wellbeing brands for our customers. As part of our 57th-anniversary celebration, we are launching more than 20 new and exclusive brands this month,” added Anna.


These new brands will be available in stores and online starting from the 1st week of October 2024.



October Anniversary Party: 57% Discounts Galore – This Month Only!


To celebrate its 57th anniversary, guardian is offering a 57% discount on the second item across over 3,000 selected products throughout October 2024. 


Details on eligible products can be found online at the new guardian e-catalogue or via the guardian app and eStore at


In response to the growing demand for online shopping, guardian Malaysia is also proud to announce the launch of its new e-catalogue—a more convenient and engaging way for customers to explore our extensive range of health and beauty products. 


The interactive e-catalogue is designed to enhance the browsing experience, making it seamless and mobile-friendly.  With a fresh, modern look and feel, the e-catalogue features interactive elements and directly link users to Guardian’s e-commerce platform for easy, hassle-free purchases. 


“This is an exciting month for our shoppers! We invite everyone to celebrate our anniversary by enjoying great products at unbeatable value, while also supporting our breast cancer awareness campaign with NCSM. We look forward to another 57 successful years of nurturing the beauty and wellbeing of all Malaysians,” concluded Anna.


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