MR's MILO Champions Clinic E-Coaching 2021 ( Basketball ) With Coach Yoong Sze Yuin


MR is interested in learning basketball and registered for the online MILO Champions Clinic E-Coaching 2021 ( Basketball ) session with Coach Yoong.


This is the first experience that MR learning sport via zoom. Coach Yoong is very patience to e-teach and e-guide the students. 

Mouse mommy also accompany MR to attend the Milo Basketball e-coaching session, my cheeky boy MR is having fun and at the same time learn some useful and practical techniques from Coach Yoong.


Well, to be true that online learning cannot compare with face-to-face learning, somehow mouse mommy was happy that MR enjoyed the basketball learning session where he learned the sport that he was interested.


Happy to see MR sweating and active in sport as a good outdoor basketball activity for kids too. Active in sport !

MR and MH are playing basketball now when they have spare time.


Some comments from Coach Yoong to MR after MR submit video assignment via Google Classroom.


"Video 1 , I can saw him improving his dribbling with the ball well . Let him watch the video and try again the footwork of Left Right Jump Lay-Up . Is ok to let him have fun first.

- One Count Stop Power Lay-Up - Good learning progress , in basketball when you are on the left side , you need to dribble with your left hand , because the defender will be on your right side."


1) Must wear sport shoe to protect your feet for basketball training. 

2) Catch the ball & Shoot - Good try. this shooting footwork is run ,1 count stop , jump and shoot. is ok, watch back the video n train again.

3) Drop step slide - Great job , defense footwork was perfect ."


A fun yet fruitful session of MILO Champions Clinic E-Coaching 2021 ( Basketball ) session with Coach Yoong Sze Yuin.


**Ops! Coach Yoong also suggested that MR can try to join the Futsal clinic next round as MR likes to use his leg to kick the ball. Well, a good way to expose our kids to various sport games and healthy activities for kids and family too.


Thanks to Milo and Coach Yoong that mouse mommy also “learn up” some basketball skills too, besides accompanying MR learning in progress.

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