AirAsia and Sony was revealed at a star-studded media event and announced to be 29 year old Aisha Nazar from Kuala Lumpur, after a 10-week global search of the joint ambassador. Her visual stories stood out amongst over 700 submissions from around the world and won the hearts of the professional judges, clinching her the one-year joint ambassadorship prize with the two leading travel and technology brands.
AirAsia X Group Head of Commercial Barry Klipp said, “It is almost 11 years now since we started flying long haul, low cost, enabling consumers to travel further, for less. It is heartwarming to see so many visually compelling travel stories from our guests shared through this inaugural joint ambassador search with Sony. These inspiring stories are a great example of what drives us at AirAsia to continue to expand our long-haul network and make more destinations accessible to all as we continue to live up to our promise of now everyone can fly extra long. I take the opportunity to thank Sony for their support and enthusiasm in this partnership and I congratulate all of our winners including our appointed joint ambassador, who now has the opportunity of a lifetime ahead of her.”
Mouse mommy has go through all the photography works by
the contestant and spotted some great work. Keep it up for all photography
lovers and snap more meaningful and positive energy photos!
To further inspire travelling, AirAsia will be running a special two-week promotion to ALL destinations with fares on sale discounted by up to 70%. Guests can book online at from now until 28 October for immediate travel or until 30 June 2019.
The newly appointed joint ambassador for AirAsia and Sony,
Aisha Nazar, will soon travel to Tokyo on AirAsia’s award winning Premium
Flatbed for an exclusive tour at Sony’s technology lab to experience their
future technologies and inventions which are yet to be publicly released.
Besides this money-can’t-buy experience, she will also undergo a full year
apprenticeship with Sony and take home the latest full frame mirrorless camera Sony
Alpha A7 III K as well as Sony h.ear on 2 wireless headphone, both
valued at over RM10,000.
As an extension to #ThroughTheLens campaign, this joint
ambassador search with Sony has received more than 700 photo submissions from
all over the world featuring AirAsia destinations which can be viewed at Nine other shortlisted finalists will also receive
special prizes which include AirAsia X flights and a Sony RX100V camera valued
at RM4,299 each.
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