Irresistible Cheesy Pablo Mini - Roasted Marshmallow Strawberry ! |
Mouse mommy shopping with MR at the One Utama Shopping Centre till exhausted and thirsty. Mouse mommy was discovered a nice dessert shop called Pablo! We got a refreshing sweet sourish taste Pablo Strawberry Frute for our thirst and we just fall in love with it! The creamy strawberry smoothie was so yummy and appetising with strawberries filing and fresh cream cheese. A healthy drink that suitable for family and kids. My boy MR loves it so so so much! Ops... forgot to inform that this kids lovers Strawberry Frute only available from 14 March - 30 June 2017. Mouse mommy highly recommended to have it before you missed it!
Full ingredients of strawberries - Strawberry Frute ! |
Two words to describe - Perfect Match! |
Mouse mommy and little boy MR drink were 2 cups for each of us ! yum...yum... |
According to the Pablo, they are offering us new menu in monthly basis. Sounds cool! In this lovely March 2017, Pablo has offers 3 special recipes menu that combination of Cheese + Strawberry = Cheesy Strawberry Cheese Tart! Awesome! yum... yum...
Signature March dessert was Freshly Baked Strawberry Cheese Tart that was available from 01 March - 30 April 2017. The pinkish light coloured cheese tart with the combination of light fluffy inner texture of gorgeous scent of strawberry fruity and tangy strawberry sauce brings me the real dessert taste of strawberry and cheese! No wonder people always said that a delicious of dessert can bring us the joy of sweetness and happiness till deep of our heart. Mouse mommy really can feel it with this mouth watering Freshly Baked Strawberry Cheese Tart! The texture of the cheese tart gathered with a refreshing acidic of strawberry jam which contain strawberry seeds to enhance the cushiness and lightly pop into my mouth. Lovely and Perfect Satisfaction!
see it! |
melting in mouse mommy's mouth ! |
Big smile friendly waiter Anson was gently cut the Freshly Baked Strawberry Cheese Tart. |
Share with you a special tips! The Freshly Baked Strawberry Cheese Tart was delicious to eat while in warm temperature and it could be turn to be an ice cream cake too! Wow! This is really fantastic idea for mommy and kids! A great idea to be a birthday party cake. Sometimes, we unable to finished the whole cake while eating and just put into the freezer to make it become Strawberry Ice Cream Cake. Mouse mommy was worried that the Strawberry Ice Cream will turn out become hard like cube ice and not chewable. After mouse mommy experienced it by myself and the ice cream cake formation was works (jadi jugak)! Shhh... my boy MR loves and enjoy the Strawberry Cheese Tart Ice Cream more than the Freshly Baked Strawberry Cheese Tart...
Japan's Most Popular Freshly Bake Rare Cheese Tart |
Turn into yummy Strawberry Ice Cream Cake after freezing. |
We Love it !!! |
We love cheese! Special Strawberry Theme - Pablo Mini - Roasted Marshmallow Strawberry was simply irresistible dessert with a nice white flower shaped a.k.a freshly burn marshmallow and topping strawberry sweet sauce with generous warm soft cheesy fillings that mouse mommy can truly feel it crispy outside and melty inside. Not forget that there are some sprinkle toasted pistachio nibs to enhance the entire Pablo mini strawberry tart in texture and aroma.
Love it Pablo Mini - Roasted Marshmallow Strawberry... |
Mouse mommy recommended this lovely Pablo Mini - Roasted Marshmallow Strawberry was simply a breastmilk booster for breastfeeding mommy as in mouse mommy can pump out 10 oz breastmilk instead of 7 oz after having this yummy Pablo mini strawberry tart! Hehe!! Mouse mommy was a cheese lover... simply favor delicious cheesy foodies. Ops... go and get your Pablo Mini - Roasted Marshmallow Strawberry before 14 April 2017 at Pablo, One Utama Shopping Centre, as in it is limited amount quantity and only offer in limited period as seasonal product.
Irresistible flower cheese tart ! |
Pablo also offers a wide range of take home dessert and cookies. My little baby MH loves it so much and with his cutie face expression to show mouse mommy "I want too!"
Mouse mommy , I want too!! |
Hmm... here I come... mom, why so hard? (The Pablo Cheese Tart Crunchy case) |
Pablo Cheese Tart Crunchy was in single packed and just a nice portion of snacks for kids. |
Mouse mommy loves their service too! A compliment to the waiter called Anson, was really kids friendly with big smile on his face. He was treats my boy MR as little gentleman customer and fulfilled his needs. The foods and services was just nice for young family with kids!
A special Matcha Ice Cream treats from Pablo ! Thanks for the kids friendly waiter - Anson. |
We will definitely come back again! Thank you Pablo and Anson !
PABLO Cheese Tart Malaysia
Website : www.pablomalaysia.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Pablocheesetartmalaysia/
Instagram : @pablo_cheese_tart_malaysia
Operation Hours : 1000 - 2200
Address : S130, Second Floor, Old Wing, One Utama Shopping Centre,
Petaling Jaya.
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