KOKOYOYO A+mune | Cognitive Booster and Immune Guard For Kids

Raising a smarter and healthier kids is all parents’ wishes. Recently, MR always feel tired in the school while studying. Mouse mommy is worried and looking for solution to overcome this problem.

Nowadays, students are required to learn multitasking, as in many subjects that need to study, digest, think and understand, especially High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) learning syllabus that required students to brain-storming and twist mind to problem solving.

Kids required brain power to memorize spelling and learn all subjects’ knowledges. 

They will tend to get tired and exhausted easily. Mouse mommy is happy to get to know KOKOYOYO A+mune able to help students to stay in focused and healthy

It is a mixed berry juice powder drink specially formulated with 2 key ingredients that is memophenol (Polyphenols from Grape and Wild Blueberries Extract) and Wellmune (Baker’s Yeast Beta-Glucan). To get KOKOYOYO A+mune from Shine.

Just tear off a stick and pour into 100mls water to let MR drink it. Happy that MR likes the berry taste. 

KOKOYOYO A+mune can improves kids’ learning, memory and intellectual performance. Besides that, it can strengthen our kids’ immune health to combat stress.

As a strong and healthy kids, learning process will be fun and successful! According to evidence-based study, key ingredients Menophenol is from French grape and wild blueberry contain flavonoids, which have high bioavailability and more easily absorbed by the body due to small molecular weight. 

Flavonoids is the food for brain and works to strengthens the students’ memory power.

Long hours of learning and study can cause stress and low immunity for kids especially during the exam time. 

Second key ingredients is Wellmune that is proven to reduce duration of flu symptoms for highly stressed students.

Mouse mommy was glad that MR got improvement in his study and as well as healthy body and achievement in both academic and co-curriculum.

MR was awarded 3rd Prize in Mathematics Quiz in the school among standard 1 student for his academic achievement. 

He is also active and high interest in Chinese Chess learning. MR was awarded 3rd Prize and 17th Prize in two of the Chinese Chess competitions that he participates as co-curriculum achievement.

A 30-day supplementation with KOKOYOYO A+mune can improves students’ cognitive performance and healthy!

Interested to get more info about KOKOYOYO A+mune,
Website : https://invol.co/cljg26

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