Dengue Awareness Campaign Together With with CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER

Nowadays raining everyday, mouse mommy was spotted many mosquitos around. Parents should be aware that dengue is unpredictable and the only way is to safeguard the family against mosquitoes at all times especially for babies and kids.

Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia or Ministry of Health Malaysia (‘MOH’) is constantly stressing the importance of prevention of diseases as sometimes when diseases are discovered, it is too late for a cure. This goes for mosquito borne diseases prevention as well. 

Latest statistics accumulated from 31st December 2017 till 6th June 2018 by Bilik Gerakan Denggi Kebangsaan CPRC, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia; recorded a total of 26,209 cases of dengue with 37 cases resulting in death. This averages out to whopping 5240 cases per month. Besides dengue, there were also more than 67 cases of Chikungunya disease reported during the same period.

Dengue fever and Chikungunya are diseases that spread easily through Aedes mosquito bites. The spread can be minimized if everyone works together in preventing the spread by eradicating mosquito breeding grounds and ensuring the mosquito prevention steps are taken. 

Some take it lightly as they think that dengue fever is curable and people have survived the disease, hence there is no need to worry; little do they know that if the disease leads to severe dengue or dengue hemorrhagic fever, it can be a life-threatening situation that they will be facing.

This is in-line with the recommendation by WHO in its factsheet[1] protection against mosquito bites is a key measure in preventing mosquito-borne diseases. MOH also similarly recommends the use of mosquito repellents in the prevention of mosquitoes[2].

One of the effective ways of keeping mosquitoes away is with the application of mosquito repellent. CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotion and the CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotion with UV Protection, have been tested to be able to repel mosquitoes up to 8 hours. Besides that, the product has undergone careful product development and registration with the governing bodies namely Pesticide Board, Department of Agriculture and Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) ensuring it is tested and certified hence parents can rest assured that the product complies to product safety standards.

CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotion can be used daily for indoor protection. CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotion with UV comes with sun protection for outdoors assurance. The CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotions are specially formulated for application on children skin and the lotions are also certified HALAL.

Mouse mommy will apply the CARRIE MOZZIBUSTER Mosquito Repellent Lotion with UV for kids and family when we go for family run and outdoor picnic. We are looking forward to join next challenge - family camping too!
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