Sunday, March 26, 2017

ZooMoo Astro Ch 619 : Explore ZooMoo Groove with Ranger Seth !

ZooMoo, a TV channel on Astro Ch 619 dedicated to educating pre-schoolers about nature and animals! Mouse mommy loves to explore nature with kids, learn, play and know well our environment and surroundings. A child that concern about the nature and animals will definitely be a caring and responsible person. These good characters influences able to form a harmony community that beneficial to the nation and environments. 

ZooMoo features multiple interactive activities such as puppetry, animations, games, music and puzzles to create a unique viewing and learning experience for children. With its second screen companion app, ZooMoo provides an interactive experience which is both fun and educational for children and their parents, and enhancing the viewing experience. The ZooMoo app was available FREE on App Store and Google Play Store

Mouse mommy was happy to be invited to join the ZooMoo Groove Live Show event at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre with MR. We are joining Seth Drury, ranger host of the series and his Zoomer friends that bring us a special fun-filled afternoon with music, dance, play and tea party!

The kids were sing and dance along to the groove during live stage show, take part in other exciting activities such as colouring, Morphun construction station, play ZooMoo app and ZooMoo island photobooth. Really a fun, educational and very groovy exploration session with kids and Ranger Seth! 

Thanks for having us! We will catch up with Seth and the rest of his Zoomer friends on ZooMoo's brand new show ZOOMOO GROOVE in Astro Ch 619! Premiering Wednesday 5th April at at 3:20pm (repeats 7:20pm and Thursdays at 7:20am & 11:20am) (SG/MY) and 2:20pm (repeats 6:20pm and Thursdays at 6:20am & 10:20am) (WIB).

Catch up ZooMoo Groove at,
Instagram : @zoomooasia

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Impossible Mission Accomplished! at Mission Possible Ejen Ali, Kidzania Kuala Lumpur.

Kai Kids! The Meta Advance Tactical Agency (M.A.T.A) is an training institute for secret agents. Each agent in M.A.T.A is assessed and ranked as either NEURO, TEKNO, INVISO or KOMBAT depending on their core competencies before you can certified as Agent as Ejen Ali.

Let mouse mommy introduce to you about Ejen Ali. Ejen Ali is the story of a schoolboy named Ali, who accidentally stumbles upon IRIS (Infinity Retinal Intelligent System), a piece of spy technology. Following that incident, Ali is taken in as a secret agent for M.A.T.A (Meta Advance Tactical Agency) and begins a journey to discover his true potential.

Kool ! Right now children can explore, experiment, resolve solution and experience to be a certified M.A.T.A. secret agent in Kidzania Kuala Lumpur! Of course, missions must be accomplished before you can be one of the secret agent! 

There are 5 missions that available for Kidzanian to work on,

Mission NeuroLearn to solve mysteries and puzzles with your friends to complete this kool mission. This program teaches kids useful logical thinking, strategic planning, problem solving and teamwork.  

Mission TeknoCombine forces with your team mates to solve a special case. You will need to use your creative and mental prowess to get through this training.

Mission InvisoBrush up your social skills and learn how to blend in by keeping it original without exposing your real identity, mastering the art of camouflage.

Mission KombatThis mission will challenge your body coordination and fitness level. Are you ready for this?

Mission Possible Grand Finale - The final stage of Mission Possible by Ejen Ali. Stand a chance to win exclusive Ejen Ali merchandise and get yourself certified as an official M.A.T.A Agent!

Once you are complete all the 5 missions, Kongratz Agent ! You are certified as Mission Possible Agent ! Oh ya... you can earn 20 Kidzos for each mission too, a total of 100 Kidzos will be reward to to you as a certified Agent ! 

Sounds Kool ! Let's join the Mission Possible by Ejen Ali that equipped by TV3 Malaysia and Spartan Race Malaysia. Mission possible will be available from 18 March to 31 March 2017. ZaZ!

Get to know more about Mission Possible Ejen Ali, please visit,  
Mission Possible duration : 18 March to 31 March 2017
Contact : 1 300 88 KIDZ (5439)
Promotion Code : 30% OFF admission ticket with code KZMP30.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Milk Booster Momma Pregolact Milk : Nutrition For Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms !

Mouse mommy loves to drink milk, however, tend to choose the flavour that I like ! There are many brands, types, flavours and contents available in the market. As a breastfeeding mommy, mouse mommy practice balance diet and consume variety of foods and beverages. In order to make sure we mummies and babies get the right nutrition, breastfeeding mummies must get hydrated, eat foods that contains all macronutrients and micronutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iodin, protein, fat, iron, zink, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Mouse mommy has discovered a milk booster Momma Pregolact milk that given adequate nutrition to pregnant mummies and breastfeeding mummies and would like to share with you. 

Many mummies asking mouse mommy: ???
How to breastfeed baby successfully? 
My breastmilk yield drop.
I need to top-up with formula milk as in my supply was inadequate.
I only able to breastfeed my baby for 2 months and it dry up once I resume back to work.

Mummies! The KEYWORD was simple : Pump Consistently. 
What is it mean by pumping breastmilk in consistently? There are 2 factors : First, MUST empty your breastmilk in each pumping session. Secondly, Pump according to mummies' permissible schedule. Example, mummy A can pump breastmilk every 3 hourly and she pump breastmilk at 6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12midnight and 3am. She do not skip the pumping session and this will create a demand for breastmilk production. Mummy B busy with works and only able to pump every 5 hourly and she pump at 6am, 11am, 4pm, 9pm and 2am. Mummy B also can get adequate breastmilk supply for her baby as in her production of breastmilk was adequate and consistently in yield volume. Do not skip the pumping session. 

Other than that, breastfeeding mummies must keep ourselves in hydrated condition. Recently hot weather was terrible and make mouse mommy in sick mode, we need to drink plenty of H2O a.k.a. WATER to keep us in tip-top condition. Avoid those fried, bake, BBQ foods to make things become worse. Sometimes mouse mommy was too tired after handling 2 kids and no energy to eat dinner, mouse mommy just grab a milk booster Momma Pregolact milk and add in muesli as my nutritious dinner. Milk booster Momma Pregolact milk was simple and convenient to prepare and avoid mouse mommy getting gastric. Thank you!

Milk booster Momma Pregolact milk contains of olive extract, raisins powder, Omega 3, pomegranate extract, fig extract, habbatus sauda, goat milk powder, dates extract, honey bee powder, saffron powder and inulin (prebiotic) that able to nourish mummies and babies healthily. Milk booster Momma Pregolact milk suitable for mummies that planning to conceive, pregnant mummies and breastfeeding mummies. Mouse mommy loves the milk booster Momma Pregolact Vanilla flavour as in the smell come in sweet dates... yum...yum... For mummies that do not like the vanilla flavour, there are milk booster Momma Pregolact chocolate flavour too. 

Milk booster Momma Pregolact milk also helps in increase HB level, reduce the morning sickness reaction, avoid mummies' back pain and leg cramp, breastmilk booster, increase energy, stress relief, increase immune system, reduce eczema problem and so on. A great choice of milk booster Momma Pregolact milk for mummies especially breastfeeding mummies!

A sharing from mouse mommy, my breastmilk yield was slight increase after consume milk booster Momma Pregolact milk and the protein part of the breastmilk was thicker too. Many testimonial from breastfeeding mummies that drink milk booster Momma Pregolact milk for your review. Support Breastfeeding! 

Interested to know more information on milk booster Momma Pregolact milk,
Instagram :
Address    : Momma Industries Sdn Bhd 
                   No. 6-25-3, Tingkat 2, Jalan Medan Pusat Bandar 8A, Bangi Sentral. 
Contact     : Asma 016-923 6962  /  Yaya 016-924 6962 

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Medical Education Exhibition : Let's Discover Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) "Less Pain, More Gains" in Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur !

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is still a developing practise. As technology improves, the instruments are becoming more versatile and dexterous. Surgeons are becoming more skilled as the training methods advance. All these factors point to MIS becoming the new default surgical option where possible. As far as mouse mommy knows that minimally invasive surgery(MIS) widely use in gynaecology such as laparoscopy. An eye opening that MIS could be done in many different area of surgery. Another choice of option for patients.  

To give the public the behind the scenes look of MIS, Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur is currently hosting an exhibition in partnership with Johnson-Johnson on MIS to raise awareness about the procedure. Even though it has been available in Malaysia for around 30 years, it is still not widely discussed as an option.

Surgery is scary. There is no denying it. With every surgery comes a certain amount of risk. On top of the pain, there is the worry that accompanies going under the knife, the cost, and significant recovery time. In the face of this worry, modern medicine is evolving at rapid rates and changing the way we look at surgery. Some of these worries are beginning to look like worries of the past. An educational chance for us as public to get to know more about MIS, how is it to be done?

Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur is on a mission to pull back the curtain that shrouds surgery. By equipping patients with the knowledge they need to prepare for and choose their surgical procedure, the hope is that fewer people fear surgery and more begin to look to it as a practical solution rather than a last resort.

Some of the common procedures that can be executed via MIS are endoscopies, laparoscopies (around the abdomen and pelvis), and arthroscopies (around bones and joints).

Dr. Paul Selvindoss (colorectal & laparoscopic surgeon) and Dr.Charanjeet Singh (orthopaedic surgeon), both stationed at Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, are a couple of the most talented practitioners of MIS in Malaysia. During an intimate session with the media, these MIS professionals shared their personal takes on MIS.

“There’s a lot of training and specialised practice that goes into preparing for minimally invasive surgery. It’s very different from open surgery. Our view of the area we’re operating on is only available via the inserted scope and our access is limited by the tools and small incisions,” Dr. Paul explained.

“It’s all worth it for the comfort of our patients. MIS patients enjoy quicker healing times and have much smaller scars. Of course, it’s not always an option – it is only appropriate for certain procedures, but we do encourage our patients to consider it because of the significant benefits,” added Dr. Charanjeet.

Sometimes, surgical procedures are optional – not entirely necessary, but a way to nip a problem in the bud. However, in many cases, surgical procedures are a last resort and can mean the difference between life and death. Even if you cannot avoid the surgery altogether, there are steps you can take to give yourself the best chance of a speedy, complication-free recovery.

Welcome to explore the MIS ! 

Exhibition Theme  : Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) : "Less Pain, More Gains"
Date                        : 01 March 2017 - 30 June 2017 
Exhibition available from Monday to Saturday only (Sunday Off)
Time                        : Mon - Fri , 0900am - 1700pm
                                : Sat , 0900am - 1300pm
Venue                     : Block B , Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur.

Check out Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur’s MIS exhibition “Less Pain, More Gains” at Lobby B of Gleneagles Hospital. Find out more about the history of surgery and try your hand at MIS. For more information, check out, 
Website    : 
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