Ayam Brand™ is setting major milestones as it
celebrates its 125th anniversary, the tenth consecutive year of the
Ayam Brand™ Community Care campaign and being named as the leading brand in the
region for sustainable palm oil usage by the World Wide Fund for Nature.
This household
favorite famed for its wide range of healthy and convenient, preservative-free
canned products, is defining what it means to be sustainable in its longevity,
innovation, eco-consciousness and as a committed and caring contributor, and
enabler of community initiative such as its 10-year strong CSR program.
ten years the Ayam Brand™ Charity Campaign has benefitted close to 18,000
people from 421 charity organizations - providing
them with 3,234,600 healthy meals as part of the brand’s effort to provide
long-term, sustainable and tangible care to those in need through the
contribution of healthy food and enrichment activities aimed at developing
This year’s
charity campaign reached 59 charity homes in 10 locations in Malaysia, and also
in Brunei, providing 381,960 healthy meals for those in need with recipients from participating
homes receiving Ayam Brand™ products sufficient for three daily meals over two
The campaign
included the popular Ayam Brand™ Junior Chef competition which aims to teach
children the important life-skill of cooking, and to inculcate the habit of
making healthier food choices. More photos can be view, click here.
In Kuala
Lumpur and Selangor, the recipients include Rumah Kasih, Rumah Solehah, Pertubuhan
Rumah Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Home of Peace KL, San Pedro Orphanage Home, Rumah
Kebajikan Anak Yatim & Miskin Al-Munirah, Persatuan Rumah KIDS, and Trinity
Children Centre.
Ayam Brand™ emphasizes the contribution of its
sardines, mackerel and tuna products as many charity homes lack regular access
to a good source of Omega-3, which is an essential fatty acid that our body
cannot produce. Omega-3 may help to prevent coronary heart disease, promote
healthy nerve activity, improve vitamin absorption, maintain a healthy immune
system and promote cell development. Omega 3 is also important in the
development of vision and brain among children.
Ayam Brand Community Care Campaign is in-line with the Ministry of Health Malaysia’s
efforts to fight obesity by educating and encouraging children to make informed
food choices.
According to Ayam Brand Chairman, Yang Mulia Tunku Dato’
Mu’tamir Bin Tunku Tan Sri Mohamed, the brand
is delighted to see how far, and how far-reaching this community care campaign
has become since it began.
“We are delighted that our annual charity campaign has provided
more than one million meals to people at 421 organizations in Malaysia and
Brunei since its inception, providing them with healthy, nutritious food that
is quick and easy to prepare,” Tunku Dato’ Mu’tamir said.
“Each year, we
plan activities for the children, most often related to cooking and good
nutrition, so that they can learn this important life-skill, increase
self-confidence and become more independent,” said Tunku Dato’ Mu’tamir.
All Ayam Brand™ products are free from added MSG and preservatives,
ready to eat straight from the can, and are certified Halal, suitable for
consumption by Muslims.
Mr Moses Lim,
22, formerly from Rapha Children’s Home in Kuantan, Pahang remembers the Ayam Brand Community Care Campaign and Junior Chef competition with fondness as he participated
in it as a teenager. It motivated him to pursue his interest in cooking. Moses
who recently completed a Diploma in Civil Engineering at Politeknik Sultan Haji
Ahmad Shah, is working as a cook at a popular restaurant chain in Singapore to
save up to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering.
“From the time
I started practicing for the Ayam Brand™ Junior Chef competition, my interest
in cooking was stoked. We won the Pahang competition that year, and I just
continued cooking, picking up more skills from my seniors and experimenting
with different cuisines. Thanks to that early inspiration, I have a skill that
is marketable and can help me achieve my dreams,” Moses said via a video
The winning dish, Tuna Wrap, by children from Rumah Solehah for the Ayam Brand Junior Chef competition. |
Ms Justine Morais, Founder of Home of Peace Charity, spoke on behalf of all
the recipient homes in Klang Valley said that the contribution from Ayam Brand™ was valuable as it extended the variety of the
residents’ regular diet, and was fast and convenient to prepare.
“The children enjoy Ayam Brand™ products as they view
it as a treat. We appreciate it as it is healthy and convenient to prepare. The
Junior Chef competition is a highlight as it has a simple goal – make
outstanding food that is tasty and healthy. Our thanks to Ayam Brand for their
long-term, sustained contribution to so many Malaysian children over the past
10 years,” said Ms Justine.
Joining the children at the event were popular television
host and actress Ms Nina Nadira, and established blogger and entrepreneur, Ms
Sue Lynn who shared their Ayam Brand™
“Ayam Brand products especially the sardines in
tomato sauce has been part of my family for as long as I can remember. I can
recall having them at my grandparents’ home. Sardine sandwiches were a staple
at every picnic and birthday party when I was growing up. We had sardine masak
kicap, and sardine curry, too. I associate so many great memories with Ayam
Brand, that now when I open a can it is not just the taste that makes me happy,
but the wonderful memories that come flooding back. I did not realize that Ayam Brand is 125 years old, but yes, it has that classic taste we always come back
for,” said Ms Nina during her sharing session.
Ms Sue Lynn shared on turning to Ayam Brand products
to complement her busy lifestyle and her desire to eat healthier, organic food.
“My daily schedule is packed but I make it a point to use more organic products
in my meals because taste, health and quality are important to me. Dinner might
be a salad, to which I add a protein such as Ayam Brand’s latest tuna range in
organic olive oil and organic vegetable broth. It is simple – just pull the
tab, add to salad, and dinner is done. For days when I want a nourishing
pick-me-up, I’ve discovered NutriSUP by Ayam Brand. It is as good as mum’s
recipe! Ayam Brand’s preservatives free and no added MSG products are perfect
for me.”
YM Tunku Dato’ Mu’tamir, Mr. Ting Seng Hee and Nira Nadira were impressed with the children from Rumah Solehah’s creativity. |
Recently, Ayam Brand
has been recognised as a leader by the World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) in
its Palm Oil Buyers’ Scorecard – Malaysia and Singapore 2017 for usage of
certified sustainable palm oil. The brand switched to sustainable palm oil in 2010, and became one of
the few local companies to make this commitment.
The company has numerous on-going sustainability initiatives
to become environmentally greener and cleaner towards providing healthier and
more responsibly sourced canned food choices to its consumers including pledging
to have all buildings and factories Green Mark certified before 2030; and
reducing of energy consumption by 25 to 33 percent with the installation of 1.4
Megawatt solar panels on the roofs of six of its Malaysian facilities.
State-of-the-art sensors and software will allow the monitoring and control of
energy consumption in real-time at these office and production facilities.
“Ayam Brand™ is all about sustainability. We’re in it
for the long-haul, be it in innovation and longevity, community care, going
green and customer satisfaction,” said Tunku Dato’ Mutamir in closing.
Interested to get to know more information about Ayam Brand™,
Website : www.ayambrand.com.my
Recipe : https://www.facebook.com/AyamBrand.Recipes
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