Floss | Brush | Rinse | Keep Family Oral Hygiene With Jordan Oral Care!

Recently there is Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) outbreak in Malaysia. HFMD is a mild and contagious viral infection especially common in young children. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most commonly caused by a coxsackie virus that is characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. (Cited from Mayoclinic)

MR is schooling at kindergarten and MH is babysitting with nanny while mouse mommy is working during daytime. Thanks the kindergarten principal and teachers are emphasize on the personal, school equipment and environment hygiene.

At home, mouse mommy also make sure that MR and MH are practicing hand hygiene by washing their hands before and after meal / toilet, brush their teeth after wake up and before bedtime sleeping and clean up their tongue to keep oral hygiene.

Jordan is Scandinavia’s leading brand of oral care hygiene products that caring for teeth since 1927. To maintain a good and strong teeth, Jordan has a full range of oral care from step 6 months old, 0-2 years old, 3-5 years old, 6-9 years old and adults range. Each of the ranges is specially designed and caters for the age requirement. Jordan advocates a “floss-brush-rinse” regime for the whole family! So considerate of Jordan oral care!

Kids’ flossing is a challenge for mouse mommy. At the age of six, the six year old molars come, and the teeth get close to each other.  Dentist recommend that kids should start flossing from 5-6 years old. Jordan Kids Flosser is designed in a cute, small handle, fun, fruity flavour and easy to reach in-between all teeth, even the ones in the back for kids.

Mouse mommy has personally try it out on my own before let MR use it as in scared of injured and getting bleed. Hehe… mouse mommy found that the Jordan Kids Flosser is suitable to use for adults too. Handle and small size that easy for mouse mommy to rotate and coordinate easily to floss my teeth.

MR is a smart boy. He was brushing his teeth twice a day. Mouse mommy was grateful that he knows the importance of oral hygiene to keep his wellbeing. In the age of 6 to 9 years old, the challenge is how to brush both milk and permanent teeth appropriately due to the uneven positioning of the teeth makes the bristles even more important.

MR is a using the Jordan Step 3 (6-9 years old) that come with round soft bristles magic tip with integrated “solo brush” for optimal cleaning of a mix of primary and permanent teeth, reaches molars and hard-to-reach spaces between the teeth and gums - no teeth or surfaces need to be forgotten. Besides that, MR also uses the Jordan soft bristles toothbrush to brush and clean up his tongue too.

Besides Jordan Kid Toothbrush, Jordan also rolls out exciting new products of children toothpaste in two ranges for 0-5 years old and 6-12 years old. All the Jordan Kid Toothpastes are mild in fruity taste, SLS/Sulphate free, halal certified and have a fluoride level adapted to our child’s age.

Jordan Kid Toothbrush has a pink colour toothpaste indicator. The toothpaste indicator is unique that allow children to put on the correct amount of Jordan Junior fluoride toothpaste on it base on the the pink colour dot size.

Love the ergonomic handle and the size of the toothbrush that just nice for 6 years old boy MR as in the round grip allow kids for optimal rotation and reach that comfortable for both children and parents.

As for a 2 years old boy MH, he is imitate brother MR to brush his teeth too. Thanks brother MR gives him a good example in taking care of oral hygiene. Good dental care routines start from the very first tooth. Jordan Step 1 toothbrush is tailor-made to make the first brushing experience a good one. 

MH was attracted by stimulating colourful Jordan Kid toothbrush and toothpaste designed with extra soft bristles, a soft rubber biting ring for babies’ gums and a handle that fits both large and small hands. Jordan Step 1 toothbrush helps baby making his first step in establishing healthy and happy dental care routines.

The unique design short neck of the toothbrush prevents the toothbrush being inserted too far into the child´s mouth. Mouse mommy is supervise and guide MH the correct method to brush his teeth. 

MH loves to ask mouse mommy to put on the Jordan 0-5 years old Kid Toothpaste on the two blue dots toothpaste indicator for him to brush his teeth. So adorable of baby MH and it already become a routine brushing teeth habit for him!

As for adult range, mouse mommy has attracted by its most sophisticated Jordan Expert Deep Clean with its spiral 0.01 ultrasoft bristles that designed for advanced deep cleaning with Clean tech ™ bristle technology and the angled criss-cross step bristles for effective plaque removal.

Mouse mommy likes the modern and Scandinavian contemporary design, light weight and able to completely brush every single angle of my teeth. Love the technology and design of Jordan leading oral care hygiene products that specifically designed and user-friendly for children and adult oral health needs. 

Highly recommended for family! So glad that MR and baby MH are enjoying their teeth brushing experience with Jordan oral care products. Children can keep their teeth healthy always and having a big smile to mouse mommy. Feeling blessed! More photos can click here to view. 

Interested to get to know more about Jordan Malaysia,


  1. ya need to teach kids to start take care of oral hygiene from small. I need to take note this one for my kids soon haha

    1. Yeah agree with you! Hope that my blog info useful for your family too.

  2. Cutenyer set berus gigi tu. I pernah pakai Jordan. Colorful berus gigi Jordan dengan banyak warna menarik to choose from. Kena ajar penjagaan gigi sejak kecil.

    1. Ya kak, warna-warni berus gigi Jordan ni mmg memikat hati anak-anak saya. Padan lah mereka ni seronok nak berus gigi sekarang. Tak payah nak suruh pun.

  3. Produk jordan mmg famous. Sebab berkualiti dan tahan pasak. I suka tgk range for kids. nampk stylo dan menarik

    1. Ya kak, bukan stylo je. Semua produk Jordan ni mempunyai faktor sains dan jugak pertimbangan dari segi bentuk, kegunaan, kesesuaian umur dan juga fungsi pembersihan yang mendalam dekat gigi dewasa dan juga kanak-kanak. Salute tu!

  4. Never forget to regularly check your child's temperature and look at for any ulcers in the mouth and hand. Yes, we must instill correct hand washing habit as well in them

    1. Yeah! Thanks for adding important points to compliment my article publication too. Look out for any red dots and ulcers in the mouth, hand and foot too. Early detection and quarantine at home to avoid spreading the HFMD. Total house cleaning also important to keep the hygiene.

  5. Woo... So many different brush there and looks cool... Definitely will make the children happy whole brushing their teeth

    1. A fun brushing teeth experience and become a daily routine now.

  6. There's also Kid Flossing to remember adults who are good at using this tool heheh but this set is nice and it's easy for parents to find the completeness of the children.

    1. Yaya, nowadays dentist does recommended kid flossing from 5 years old kids onwards. I had try to flossing teeth for MR. Some of his uneven teeth structure got some food stuck inside in between the teeth, easily floss out by Jordan Kids Flosser.

      Mouse mommy also try to floss on my own teeth, it works gently and efficiently.

  7. Wow everyone got tooth brush. Yes we must train our child about tooth brush . The all of toothbrush is cutee

    1. Yeah cute and practical! Oral hygiene is important for ones health being.

  8. yup, untuk anak-anak memang kena pakai berus gigi yang sesuai dengan mereka. Baru gigi elok. Suka jenama jordan ni, fariz apun guna

    1. Tu lah, nak jaga gigi elok ni. Kalau tak, memang ada karies gigi nnt.

  9. Nampak menarik aje produk ni. Sure anak-anak rajin untuk jaga kebersihan gigi sebab alatan dia cute2 aje

    1. Betul tu akk, anak-anak saya memang suka berus gigi, dah jadi satu kebiasaan untuk mereka. Mesti berus gigi dan lidah setiap kali semasa mandi kat tandas.

  10. Good practice for kids. I think i will check the Jordan Floss, look easy to use for my kid.

    1. Good. Do share me your experience after your kid using it. Hope helpful!

  11. Produķ Jordan nih tak perlu lavo diragukan kualitasnya. Sangat bagus dan disukai anak. Banyak yg pakai produkx ini

    1. Trusted Brand oral care products. Suka creatif, innovasi dan jugak sains di belakang setiap reka bentuk berus gigi Jordan.

  12. Alahai, so cute its packaging and products. Macam ni la bagus, menarik minat kids untuk gosok gigi. Klu design biasa-biasa, nanti dorang tak suka dan menangis kalau suruh gosok gigi, hahaha

    1. Memang design dan warna berus gigi Jordan menarik perhatian anak-anak saya, diorang suka berus gigi sekarang dengan ubat gigi Jordan yang sesuai dengan umur mereka.

  13. They're so cute, hehe. Haven't try this brand for my nieces yet, but it looks convincing. Minght buy it for them later.

  14. What a complete range, I got to chance new brushes for my daughter will check this out.

    1. Yup yup, what is your daughter age range? Do check it out before purchase the Jordan tooth brush, if 5yo and above, can try out the Jordan floss too to clean up food particle that stuck in between the teeth.

  15. the packaging is so cute.. and the brush design is also cute.. i like it.. must get 1 set for my family.. huhu

  16. Wow now kids also have flossing too..Jordan among the best product for toothbrush and wellknown too

    1. Yes! The Jordan flosser is designed for children above 5 years old. Guide them the right way to floss their teeth and oral care.

  17. so nice.. hv so many tools, toothbrush floss to keep oral hygiene for kiddos.. I think my kids should start flossing too!~

    1. yup, can bring along your kiddos to check it out at any shopping centre. The Jordan toothbrush and flosser are designed for family needs according to age group. So considerate!

  18. Suka tengok berus gigi kanak-kanak terutama daripada jenama JORDAN. Memang menarik minat kanak-kanak untuk terus menggosok gigikan.
