Ultrasoft | CleanWeave | Charcoal Fresh Kleenex Ultra Soft Bath Tissue For All Household Use

Bath tissue is a need for toilet use. We use bath tissue on our skin frequently. Effectiveness of a bath tissue plays an important role when it comes to hygiene and quality.

Recently mouse mommy spotted Kleenex Ultra Soft Bath Tissue and decided to give it a try. Mouse mommy can feel the cushiony softness of Kleenex Ultra Soft with its cotton extract that is gentle on our skin.

Besides that, the special technology of the CleanWeave pattern that is dedicated to help trap and absorb dirt better, makes cleaning easier and more effective.

The Charcoal Fresh helps to absorb odor, making me feel clean and fresh after using it. Another feature that I like is the thickness of the Kleenex Ultra Soft Bath Tissues, which are just nice and not easily torn off, making cleaning easier.

Mouse mommy welcomes Kleenex Ultra Soft Bath Tissues into our home as one of our daily personal care products. Keep our family’s hygiene in check and healthy always!

Interested to get to know more about Kleenex Ultrasoft Bath Tissues,
Visit Us at: https://goo.gl/Gy1d5G

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  1. I'm using Kleenex tissue, too! Been using it for quite some times d.. nice products..

  2. Woahhh seronoknya! Terutama dengan features remove odor dan texture dia yang lembut tu sebab selalunya tisu yang biasa saya pakai cuma sekadar bersihkan kotoran je. Ha, bolehlah nanti saya cuba! Hihi

    1. Selamat mencuba ya. Ramai yang suka kualitinya elok dan tidak mudah terkoyak.

  3. Hey...i selalu beli jenama Kleenex dan sememangnya jadi pilihan sentiasa..suka dengan texture tissue yg lembut dan sangat berkualiti..tak mumudah koyak kalkoyak kalau lap sesuatu yang bukan kotoran besar ..

  4. I bought Kleenex Ultrasoft for my family usage. It indeed remove the odor effectively and keeps us clean.

  5. I have been using this product for years.
    Good product, love it softness.

  6. yeah glad to have this range tissue to choose from. I do not buy rough tissue to use as rough to skin I feel pain.

  7. I like this kleenex tissue because the feature absorb odor. This is nice because I never seen this features in other tissue brand before

  8. Wow I sangat suka tisu ni sebab lembut dan tebal. Ada tisu yang kita guna kadangkala kasar dan nipis. Kakak suka Kleenex ni. Memamng dah lama guna pun.

  9. yeah. Suitable for alergic person. I really like this brand.. very comfy

  10. memang suka guna tisu kleenex..kegemaran seisi keluarga..Charcoal Fresh akan menolong utk absorb odor tq share info about this

  11. Ada banyak jenama tisu di pasaran dan harga pun berbeza beza. Sejujurnya Ibu dah lama tak beli brand ni. Kualiti memang tak di nafikan. Tapi mahal

    1. kadang2 kami tengok ada promosi, akan beli dan stock up byk sikit. Harga pun main peranan penting utk pilihan perbelanjaan sekeluarga kan.

  12. Kleenex the best tissue brand so far sebab tak mudah renyuk dan lembut je.Sesuai utk kegunaan banyak perkara.

    1. betul tu, mouse mommy pun guna Kleenex Ultra Soft Bath Tissue ni untuk lap hidung ank bila ada mukus atau sewaktu selseme. Nasib lembut dan banyak kali lap pun x menyebabkan kemerahan berlaku pada bahagian hidung ank.

  13. Kleneex pilihan utama keluarga saya juga. Tisu nya sangat lembut, selesa digunkan dan tidak meninggalkan bau.

  14. untuk alergic person memang sangat rekomen. tapi i suka kleenex ni sebab jenama laa yang dipercayai sejak dulu lagi. harga pun sangat berpatutan

    1. Tak terpikir pulak. Betul jugak utk org yg alergik atau sensitif kan, struktur yg lembut sesuai dgn semua org.

  15. Kleenex tissue andalan gue sebab teksturex yang sangat lembut dan bikin adem. Sangat membantu aktivitas sehari hari apalagi saat cuaca gerah

  16. These tissues are well known brands that are really good for one family at any time and all the situations at home ...

  17. This brand is well known globally and it's a common household brand. Known for its good quality. I love it
