Kids learn from what they see, hear and hands on. Role
Play will be always the great choice to let the children know about 5W1H (What
| When | Why | Where | Who | How) of a task.
As a parent, mouse mommy was feeling thankful that such a great role play setting that giving opportunity to experiment it in a safe B.KidZanian community.
MR is an impatience kid and sometimes he does show that want to be the winner at all time.
A simple yet respect attitude that need to be encouraged among the kids.
Job would not be able to get it done WITHOUT cooperation from the team members. Build up teamwork among the young generation is so important in order to create a positive and healthy community!

The Best part of KidZania is the kids can try again
and continue their job if the kids want to perform again. Practice makes
One of MR favorite jobs is recycle officer at recycle centre. He will go around the KidZania to collect the recyclable items from the 3 centers stated in the job sheet.
Sometimes, MR will get lost in KidZania and do not know which direction that he should go.
Mouse mommy will ask MR to take a deep breath and breath out to relax and calm down, before we start the journey to look for the right center.
One of MR favorite jobs is recycle officer at recycle centre. He will go around the KidZania to collect the recyclable items from the 3 centers stated in the job sheet.
Sometimes, MR will get lost in KidZania and do not know which direction that he should go.
Mouse mommy will ask MR to take a deep breath and breath out to relax and calm down, before we start the journey to look for the right center.
Role play to equip the kids with problem solving skills to be a good problem solvers!
During school holidays, KidZania always has new
program caters for the kids to cultivate the kids talents and abilities.
thinking are always beyond imaginative...... Glad that KidZania Kuala Lumpur
provides the right place and facilities for the kiddos!
Website :
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KidZania Careline : 1300 88 KIDZ (5439)
Agreed with you. Kidzania is the best place to educate our resilient kids.
ReplyDeleteYup, that's true! Mouse mommy always love to bring MR MH explore, experiment and experience in KidZania Kuala Lumpur. Each time, they also discovered new learning experience!
DeleteYup, that's true! Mouse mommy always love to bring MR MH explore, experiment and experience in KidZania Kuala Lumpur. Each time, they also discovered new learning experience!
DeleteKidzania always a good place for kids to learn the interactive role play. They may end show some interest in certain profession along the way of those activities.
ReplyDeleteYa, that's true! One of the way to cultivate children's understanding nature of the job. Example, MR was query what is lab, what is the lab technologist doing, what is the danger, how long to produce a tablet of vitamin and so on. Interesting!
DeleteI miss KidZania! hahahaha...eventhough I can't play any of the job available...hahaha...but kids surely really exposed with so many job choices for their future
ReplyDeleteYup, glad that the kids able to expose to REAL LIFE job, job scope and tasks that required to perform for the profession. The first impression for kids are no easy job, all required to pay efforts and got to go through a series of tasks and responsibility.
DeleteKidzania memang tempat terbaik untuk anak-anak belajar sambil berseronok hehe one day nak bawak anak ke sini
ReplyDeleteHarap qaseh dan anak-anak dapat pengalaman yang gembira kat KidZania!
DeleteKidzania salah satu platform terbaik untuk anak anak menunjukkan bakat dan potensi diri mereka nelakukan sesuatu. Sambil mereka berseronok dengan kawan kawan lain mereka boleh belajsr sesuatu yang menyeronokkan dan memberi banyak manfaat untuk mereka
ReplyDeleteSokong, mmg banyak manfaat yang diterima oleh ank2 ni. Di samping mencungkil bakat2 yang terpendam kat anak2.
DeleteKidzania nie memang sebuah tempat yg sangat bagus untuk dikunjungi oleh para ibu bapa di luar sana yg mempunyai anak kecil yg masih bersekolah. Sangat banyak aktiviti yg boleh dilakjkan dan ia nampak sungguh menyeronokkan
ReplyDeleteMemang seronok Zharif... tunggu Zharif nnt dah kahwin dan beranak ni, blh lah join parenting group ni... byk ilmu keibubapaan ni nak belajar... life long learning...
DeleteBestnya tengok.. Bila dapat bawak fariza ke sini. .Seronok anak-anak dapat beljar, dapat beekrja.. Mak pun tengok seronok je. .hahaha
ReplyDeleteya, betul tu, sokong. Mouse mommy pun suka tengok jugak dan siap dokumentasikan dengan gambor2 anak skali, lepas tu tanya MR tu apa yang dah belajar kat establishment ni, macam mana nak buat sebotol vitagen yang selalu dia minta nak beli dan minum tu dan sebagainya...
DeleteHehe kidzania mmg tempat terbaik utk bawa anak2 sebab anak2 memang belajar dr apa yg mereka lihat
ReplyDeleteya, bukan lihat je. Memang kanak2 ni hands on, lihat, dengar, bekerjasama, selesaikan job tu sekali. Memang Learn Life Today!
DeleteTak pernah lagi bawak anak datang sini. Teringin nak bawak anak pergi sini. Tengok macam best je kalau budak2 main.
ReplyDeleteSilakan mama, berbaloi bawa anak2 ke KidZania sebagai salah satu edutainment centre. Mouse mommy memang mengesyorkan KidZania KL !
DeleteKalau tak silap kita, adik kita yang bongsu pernah pergi.
ReplyDeleteDia kata seronok.
Kita teringin nak bawa anak anak..
Tapi anak anak kita kecik lagi.
Tahap belum sesuai nak bawak ke sana.
One day..
KidZania also got young kids play and learn area at the Urbano's House that located at upper floor level for kids that 3 years old and below. There is plenty of mini room inside for the kids to choose and play (pool of mini ball, air bed, mini kitchen, sofas and book reading corner). Got puppets show daily too.
DeleteMy kids love so much kidzania. They do the activities and learn why and how to solve it. Difference role play can educate resilient kids
ReplyDeleteYeah! When MR ables to solve a task, done in successfully and get paid in KidZos, he will be happy. Everytime before home, mouse mommy will bring MR to the Department Store to shop, MR will look for a item for himslef. This round, MR wants to buy a truck sharpener. He calculates his KidZos for 140 KidZos to buy truck sharpener by himself in the Departmental Store. Parents are not welcome to walk in. Let the kid to learn how to get the item, queue up to pay the cashier, get the receipt and truck sharpener.
DeleteMR is really appreciate the truck sharpener that he bought as in is his 'hard earn money (KidZos)' to buy it by himself. Mouse mommy also feel happy...
Setuju.. Anak anak membesar akan bertanya dan sentiasa ingin tahu. Bia dapat explore macam kat kidzania ni memang bagus. Banyak pendedahan yang mereka terima dalam sehari. Nanti ada bajet extra nak bawak anak anak i ke sini lagi. Pernah pegi sekali jer... Seronok sangat!
ReplyDeleteSemoga Nina dan anak-anak dapat explore KidZania dan mendapat pengetahuan daripada aktiviti role play yang sertai. Setiap kali MR pergi ke KidZania , mesti dapat pengalaman yang berbeza walaupun melakukan aktiviti role play yang sama, kerana setiap kali job task yang berlainan dan jugak berinteraksi dengan orang yang berbeza. Inilah dugaannya. Tiada job yang sama, setiap kali memerlukan cara penyelesaian yang berbeza. Mmg unik!
DeleteReading and looking through the pictures really makes me envious of kids nowadays. I wish Kidzania or similar coperation existed since way back then. This really helps in more ways that a textbook and homework can.
ReplyDeleteIndeed yes, learning through Do It Yourself DIY concept can really create a significant memories for the kids. They are hands on, learn, follow instruction, question why, how to do, team work, successful to perform a task... all the activities are building up their skills and learn to think to become a good problem solver.
DeleteWill definitely bring my children there one day. This place is surely filled with never-ending fun for kids.
ReplyDeleteYeah! As a mom, mouse mommy was excited too! Some of the establishments allow parents to go in and observe too.
DeleteTeringin pulak nak masuk kidzania. Kalau bawak budak2 mesti meriah
ReplyDeleteMesti kena bawa kanak2 skali , baru orang dewasa boleh masuk ya. Ini merupakan salah satu sistem keselamatan KidZania, hanya ibubapa dan juga penjaga anak boleh masuk KidZania skali. Setiap orang juga diberi "wrist band" utk memastikan keselamatan dijaga.
DeleteA real life experience for the kiddoz ! Nice exploring in KidZania!