Monday, July 1, 2019

Active Lifestyle : Be Kids, Be Active!

Active lifestyle is important to keep us stay healthy body and alert mindset. Being active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into our everyday routines such as walking, running, zumba, yoga and so on.

Combination of physical activity and recreation activities are able to encourage a healthier lifestyle. It goes to MR and MH too, mouse mommy has 2 active boys that always find something to do. In this era, digital gadget is a norm. There is always an argument whether we should allow our kids to play gadget?

Computing is unable to avoid in our society now. Kids have to expose, explore and know how to function it. At the same time, physical fitness is so important to keep them alert and overall wellness too!

Do you allow your children to play physically? Yes, mouse mommy does allow MR and MH to join indoor and outdoor play. And mouse mommy will join the fun physical activities together too.

As for outdoor activities, we love to join family fun run together. That is one of the exciting physical activities that we love - run, sweat, detox, chat, bonding, explore, experience and relaxation. This is the time that we can run together. 

Sometimes, MR will complaint of no energy in the middle of the run. Then, mouse mommy and MH will encourage and ganbatte for bro MR to keep going. No one will left behind but moving forward together. 

Same goes to any obstacles that we might be facing, as long as we are keep going and solve it, there will be a solution / result at the end of it. Victory is awaits at the ending point always.

Sometimes, mouse mommy is too tired in the middle of the run. MR is so sweet to pluck flowers by the roadside and gifted to mouse mommy with a big hug and energy kiss on my cheek. OK let’s go! Mouse mommy can continue join the family fun run!

The kids also get to learn and know the environment surrounded us. 

Through our running experience, we got the opportunity to explore different place, plants, animals and habitat at hills, animal farm, vege farm, KL city, mangrove and river. That is our real life experience!

As for indoor activities, we love to join KidZania indoor activities. Spend a day in KidZania can really make us sleep well once reached home. 

There are many activities that required the kids to “hands-on” and “Do-It-Yourself (DIY)” by themselves, such as KidZania Cash and Valuables Transport as banking security service that required MR to courier the delivery items to the respective departments or stores.

Mouse mommy always believes that our children can perform if we give them a task and opportunity. Let the kids take up the responsibility to learn how, what to do and get the job done. If they did the job well, give them appraise. If not, no worries, we can do post-mortem together to see anything goes wrong. Let’s discuss and get a solution!  

There are many role-play and job responsibilities at KidZania Kuala Lumpur to let our kids to explore, experiment and experience

There will be never the same experience every time that we visited to KidZania!

Besides that, KidZania always conduct interesting sport activities for the kids such as blind football, archery, table tennis and so on. Be Active, Be Healthy, Be Kids!

Interested to know more about KidZaniaKuala Lumpur,
KidZania Careline : 1300 88 KIDZ (5439)
Operation Hour : 9.00 am to 6.00 pm ( Monday to Sunday )

*For more about Mouse Mommy Treats, do follow us*


  1. Satu aktiviti yang sangat baik untuk generasi sekarang. Dari membiarkan mereka terdedah kepada gajet sahaja . Terbaik puan dan keluarga

    1. Ya, sekarang makin banyak famili yang melibatkan sukan dan aktiviti fizikal bersama ahli-ahli keluarga sekali. Seronok jugak keluarga mouse mommy sertai sekali! Semangat kesukannan tu yang penting... Jom aktifkan Malaysia! Aktifkan semua Malaysian!

  2. Saya suka ibu bapa yang aktif dengan mengheret sekali anak-anak join bersama. Saya pun sama macam sis. Pergi hiking walaupun ada baby. Orang nak cakap apa, cakap la. Ni bounding time. Anak kita kan, takkan nak tinggal. Anak-anak saya baru ke Kidzania akhir tahun lepas. Katanya nak repeat lagi. Tapi janji kena dapat no 1 la dulu. Haha

    1. Sokong tu sis! Sebagai ibubapa, kami lah yang jadi model kehidupan untuk anak-anak. Anak-anak nak pergi ke KidZania tu, kena belajar betul2 kat sekolah dan menjaga tingkah laku yang baik. Nnt hujung minggu atau cuti sekolah tu, bolehlah "rewards" anak-anak ni. Di samping tu, boleh Learn Life Today kat KidZania jugak!

  3. This kind of activities are very good, not only for the kids but also for we as a parents.

    Anak-anak aktif, anak-anak sihat.

    1. Yes! Let's be active! Be kids! Healthy family is a blessing for all :)

  4. Wah bagus jadi parent macam u sekalu prihatin dengan kecergasan dan aktiviti sihat untuk anak-anak. U memang ibu yang sangat supportive. U my inspire bila I jadi ibu nanti.

    1. So happy to hear that mouse mommy has inspire you! Yup, mouse mommy would loves to explore, experiment and experience life together with kids MR MH! Joining physical activities can keep us healthy and alert always.... and act fast reaction too!

  5. seronok bila tengok anak-anak u aktif menyertai pelbagai aktiviti,dan ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk menggalakkan anak-anak hidup dengan gaya sihat dan cergas

    1. Terima kasih mama ayu. Pupuk sifat, sikap dan minat kanak-kanak bersukan sewaktu muda senang. Tu lah sebab suka bawa MR MH pergi ke KidZania jugak, banyak pengalaman yang boleh dicari dan dialami. Memang best!

  6. I let my kids play and be active all the time. Get out of the house and play. Limit screen time. And just make sure we have fun with the kids as well

    1. Happy to hear that! That's the REAL playtime! Have fun, relax and sweating!

  7. Bestnya bagi pendedahan luar pada anak anak. Mereka pun nampak happy dan cergas sentiasa kan. Bestnya anak anak mommy mouse..

    1. Ya, MR dgn MH memang aktif boy, mesti nak buat sesuatu. Tak blh duduk diam. KidZania memang best utk kedua-dua mereka ni utk mencari ilmu dan pengalaman. Balik rumah je .... ops tak, duduk kat kereta mouse mommy je dah lena.

  8. Memang seronok bila tengok anak-anak kita seronok bila dapat melakukan aktiviti yang mereka suka.Dari kita bagi anak2 bermain dengan gadjet lagi bagus kita galakkan anak2 lakukan aktiviti yg sihat

  9. I've yet to bring my children to Kidszania. Obviously there are so much to be done there. Wish to bring my kids there one day. I'm sure they'll have lots of fun.😄

    1. Must go, worth to visit! Everytime visit to KidZania also got new sharing from MR MH. Sometimes, KidZania got ongoing promotion, can check out the KidZania website / Facebook for details.


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