Tuesday, July 2, 2019

#DriveAgainstDiabetes With Diabetes Malaysia and Ascensia Diabetes Care!

Malaysia has the highest rate of diabetes in Asia, and more effort is required to both understand the root cause of this problem and engage high-risk individuals at the grassroots level to improve the prevention, diagnosis and management of this disease.

In support of the Ministry of Health’s on-going war against diabetes, Ascensia Diabetes Care, the world’s leading provider of solutions for diabetes care, has been spearheading a unique campaign aimed at reaching out to communities within the Klang Valley to promote the pro-active prevention and management of diabetes. At the same time, the campaign also aims to gather better insights into why Malaysians have an apathetic attitude when it comes to diabetes.

The six-month campaign called ‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’ was conducted in collaboration with Diabetes Malaysia. At the heart of the campaign is a full-size 44-seater passenger bus unit that will travel to various high-traffic locations throughout the Klang Valley.   

The bus carries a team of trained individuals from both Diabetes Malaysia and Ascensia, who will provide free blood sugar check-up and engage members of the public with a host of interactive activities such as games and contests centered around diabetes with attractive giveaways. 

The campaign is designed to educate people on diabetes symptoms, prevention and management. As an important part of the campaign, participants are also being asked to fill out a survey, aimed at acquiring better insights into urbanites' mindset in relation to diabetes.

Maximilian Lim, Business Manager of Ascensia Diabetes Care Malaysia, said “#DriveAgainstDiabetes" is Ascensia Diabetes Care Malaysia’s initiative in Malaysia to support the on-going War on Diabetes.”

“We understand that Malaysians are both well-educated and well-aware of the disease but are not taking proactive efforts to prevent the disease or get diagnosed. We want to understand why, so that we can provide ways to overcome these barriers to better prevention.”

“At the same time, as a world-renowned diabetes care solutions provider, we also want to drive home the message that Accuracy, Balance, and Commitment are the key elements to preventing or managing this condition effectively in at-risk Malaysians and those who have diabetes," he added.

‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’ campaign started in January 2019 and will stop at 20 locations in total. To date, the campaign has successfully engaged more than 11,000 people from selected venues in Kajang, Kepong, Bangi, Semenyih, Bangsar, Petaling Jaya Town, Kuala Lumpur City Center, Puchong, Klang, Selayang, Shah Alam, and Ampang.

Prof Datuk Dr. Ikram Shah Ismail, President of Diabetes Malaysia, added, “It is essential that all Malaysians, including those living with diabetes, learn how to detect the early signs of this condition and manage their lifestyle effectively.”

“Diabetes Malaysia will continue to support initiatives like ‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’, which we are confident will drive more Malaysians to take charge of their own lives and encourage their loved ones to do the same, especially during this festive period," he concluded. 

‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’ campaign also conduct a Malaysian Health Status Survey for the community to participate. Research survey link : https://research2.ipsosinteractive.com/mriweb/mriweb.dll?i.project=S19008930 
It is available in 3 languages and the closing date for the survey is on 15 July 2019. Thank you for participating.

#DriveAgainstDiabetes Bayer Contour Plus Blood Glucose Monitoring System Giveaways!
1)     FILL UP the ‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’ campaign research survey : https://research2.ipsosinteractive.com/mriweb/mriweb.dll?i.project=S19008930 
2) SHARE this post with #DriveAgainstDiabetes #ContourAscensia #MouseMommyTreats
3)     TAG 2 friends.
4)     Good Luck!
Prizes : 1 set of Bayer Contour Plus Blood Glucose Monitoring System for 2 winners!
Giveaways period : 02 July 2019 – 15 July 2019.
Giveaways announcement : 17 July 2019 ( Wednesday )
Prizes collection : 18 July 2019 – 31 July 2019 ( Self collection or representative is allow at Petaling Jaya within working hours ).

Interested to get more information on #DriveAgainstDiabetes,

*For more about Mouse Mommy Treats, do follow us*


  1. Indeed...this statement is like a horror news to all. My side I tried to reduced sugar intake in daily diet. Parent has those. So I need to careful.

    1. Balance diet is the good choice. Mouse mommy does agree that outside food mostly high in oil, sugar and salt. But, there are some nice and health concern restaurant that provide healthy food for all. Got to choose it wisely.

    2. Very good campaign. Indeed!!. For your information, last week I came across a book called type 2 diabetes stategy. The content of this book is 3 step strategy to treat type 2 diabetes. so I bought the book. after I received the book after a few days of shipping, I opened it and read it. the book has a great strategy for treating stage 2 diabetes. I'm not a diabetic, but it prevents better than cure right? so I highly recommend this book to find out the strategies for treating stage 2 diabetes. Just click the link below. After you get into the website, click buy now on the bottom of the website. Hope this help other.


  2. Nice prize and will ask my friends to join together. I will catch the bus too to learn more on Diabetes for prevention.

    1. Glad to hear that! Good Luck to join the giveaway! Do remember to fill up this ‘#DriveAgainstDiabetes’ campaign research survey : https://research2.ipsosinteractive.com/mriweb/mriweb.dll?i.project=S19008930 . Get more info about Diabetes Mellitus as knowledge and education.

  3. it's great to monitor ur blood glucose.. good luck to all the participants.. nice nice givaway...

    1. Yup, a MUST to monitor and observe the blood glucose level especially for Diabetes patients. Too high of blood glucose level can have many consequences.

  4. This is indeed a very good campaign. I do read somewhere else saying that malaysia is among of country that has high rate of diabetes and this is quite scary

    1. Yup, it is due to our community lifestyle. Our food was contain santan, oily, salty and indulgence sweet stuffs. Not mention, always got F&B gathering, buffet and celebration. But, good news is Malaysians start aware of health signal and concern about our health and wellness now.

      Drink plenty of warm water, adequate rest, balance eating and active physical lifestyle would be definitely help to have a healthy life!

  5. Sometimes, orang badan kurus pun boleh kena Diabetes ni. i pun akan check la lepas ni. umur dah besar, macam2 sakit datang. After this nak start jaga makan lah. Huhu

    1. Prevention is always better than cured. Jom mengamalkan hidup yang sihat.

  6. Kempen yang sangat baik. Memang rakyat kita ramai yang berpenyakit kencing manis. Kat tempat kerja saya ni bukan main ramai. Sampai tahap kena injek sebelum makan. Yang potong jari tu pun ada. Bila kita bagitau, diorang taknak dengar. Katanya penyakit ni nasib. Betul la keturunan. Tapi cegah la. Kena datang sini la utk berkempen.

    1. Ops! kat mana tu? Mana kena bagi ceramah dan kesedaran ni. Bukan apa, kami ni kalau sakit, ahli keluarga pun sakit hati kan. Biarlah hidup sihat, gembira dan bermakna. Tak nak menyusahkan siapa2 pun.

  7. I have GDM or diabetes when pregnant. But true the diabetic person need active physical lifestyle to get healthy life. Diet is must too

    1. Yup, some people will tend to get DM while pregnant time, got to monitor.

  8. bagus bila diabuat macam ni dekat luar. so people can look tahap gula mereka, ada penyakit ke tak..diabetes ni tak boleh dipandang rendah..

    1. Betul tu, ramai yang anggap remeh sebab tak nampak kesannya lagi. Bila dah serius dan rasa komplikasi seperti luka bernanah dan sukar nak sembuh, barulah jumpa doktor nak cari jalan penyelesaian. Sedih....

  9. Seram when I read about diabetes in Malaysia and I'm one are more ke arah untuk mengelami masalah ini kalau tak kawal dari sekarang. Hope this kempen dapat di teruskan di masa akan datang dan juga oleh banyak pihak...

  10. I support this kind of campaign and good to people. I believe there are still people not so aware about this disease. Hope to see more and more diabetes campaigns held in Malaysia

    1. Good suggestion! Everyone heard about Diabetes, but, some people are still not sure the exact meaning and consequences of having Diabetes Melitus.

  11. Great campaign and effort from the organiser. Keep it up and it's great to have this continuous awareness👍

    1. Yeah! Mouse mommy wishes that too. Glad to know more CSR campaign from the company.

  12. This is a really good campaign! Alot of people out there suffer from Diabetes, and even my grandmother die due to diabetes. We need to start control our diet and living a healthy lifestyle too.

    1. Yup, reminder for us to taking care of our health. You are what you eat!

  13. bagus kempen ini...memberi kesedaran tahap gula dalam badan...i pun risau sebab pemakanan kita hari2 selalunya mesti mengandungi gula...and i nak join contest u tui nanti hehehe..mana tahu ada rezeki

    1. Ya, terutamnya dessert kan. Mouse mommy faham sungguh, sbb sy pun foodie jugak. Boleh makan, tapi x blh over mkn sejenis makanan shj. Kena seimbang, minum air dan rehat yang secukupnya dgn senaman. Itu konsep kehidupan yang paling senang, tapi ramai yang tak dapat nak buat kan.

      Join tu, mana tau ada rezeki tu. Ingat kena isi research survey tu dan share post ni skali tau. Good Luck!

  14. Personally, I sokong kempen seumpama ini kerana; ia dapat membantu orang ramai akan pentingnya menjaga kesihatan dan cara-cara mencegah masalah diabetes dll

    1. Yup, sokong. CSR yang sangat bagus utk periksa tahap glukos dalam kandungan darah komuniti. Pencegahan memang lagi baik daripada nak buat rawatan.

  15. I harap kempen macam ni ada juga di negeri lain untuk bagi kesedaran dekat yang lain. Sebab kempen ini sangat bagus untuk orang peka dan tahu betapa bahayanya Diabetis.

  16. nice campaign. should buat lebih kerap untuk ajar orang lain pasal kepentingan bahayanya diabetis. Most people think they are healthy and safe, so macam tak kisah until mereka sakit. Prevention is the key. Hope dapat sedarkan orang ramai.

  17. This is so true! My father's side of the family almost all of them have a history of diabetes, and I have even lost 3 family members because of it. I think if people are exposed to the extreme side (gangrene) of having diabetes, they might take it more seriously.

  18. nice stuff.. thanks fo the information
    Asensia review

  19. If you are a responsible person who wants to know their options before taking on this life changing decision you will often find that you need more than just personal advice. papa johns for diabetic menu


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