Sunday, April 30, 2023



老鼠妈咪在浏览美国土豆或者马铃薯网站寻找一些有趣的食谱偶然发现这个食谱  蜂蜜芥末和香草扇贝美国土豆】是由营养师 Indra Balaratnam 制作。 这是一道低脂菜肴,由切成薄片的美国赤褐色土豆和美味的香草奶油酱制成。 它由美国赤褐色土豆、蔬菜汤、低脂牛奶、蜂蜜、新鲜龙蒿香草、黄油、洋葱以及少许盐和胡椒制成。 每份仅含 4 克脂肪和 164 千卡。

您可以从此链接点击查看这一道有益健康的土豆  蜂蜜芥末和香草扇贝美国土豆】食谱 :

顺便说一下,每次点击都会增加我从 U.S. Potatoes 赢得代币的机会。 小伙计们,我真的很感谢你们的帮助! 所以开始点击吧!

我个人非常喜欢土豆菜肴。 土豆是世界各国受欢迎的主食。 尤其是美国马铃薯,味道鲜美,用途极其广泛,而且营养丰富。 有很多方法可以准备和食用这种营养丰富的蔬菜,从烤土豆到土豆泥。

美国土豆是一种更健康的选择,这是它们的主食之一。 对于寻求保持健康饮食的您来说,土豆是错的选择,因为它们不含胆固醇、钠和脂肪。 土豆是一种低热量食品,可以帮助控制体重,因为每份只有 110 卡路里,大约相当于一个中等大小的马铃薯。

美国马铃薯不仅热量低,而且能量比任何其他受欢迎的蔬菜都高。 一个中等大小的美国马铃薯中含有约30% 的每日维生素 C维生素 C 对增强身体的免疫系统至关重要。 维生素 C 可以增强我们的免疫系统,它可以帮助我们抵抗普通感冒等疾病。

维生素 B6 对健康的细胞功能至关重要,是美国马铃薯中发现的另一种令人印象深刻的营养素。 一个中等大小的马铃薯中含有 10% 的维生素 B6 每日推荐摄入量。 维生素 B6 是新陈代谢、血细胞生成和细胞健康的重要组成部分。 此外,每份土豆含有 克植物性蛋白质,这是肌肉、韧带和结缔组织的重要组成部分。

钾是一种对许多身体过程必不可少的矿物质,是美国马铃薯中富含的另一种营养素。 一个中等大小的马铃薯(包括皮)每份含有 620 毫克钾,比中等大小的香蕉高 15% 钾支持健康的水合作用水平,控制血压,并支持健康的肌肉和神经功能。

美国马铃薯用途极为广泛,可以用多种方式烹制。 他们提供无数的膳食烹饪选择,包括烘烤、蒸、煮、煎和烧烤。 无论是作为配菜、主菜还是沙拉,美国马铃薯都是美味又有益健康的佐料。

老鼠妈咪真的很喜欢土豆用途广泛、味道鲜美且营养丰富——它们对我们的健康有很多好处。 它们是一种高营养食品,热量、脂肪和胆固醇含量低,而维生素、矿物质和植物性蛋白质含量高。 无论您想吃得健康还是只想享受一顿美餐,美国马铃薯都是一个不错的选择哦!


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Shopee Express Couriers Drive Community Inclusion and Business Success

A new study(1) by Shopee Express has found that 1,317 Malaysian couriers are committed to building robust relationships with local communities. 87% of couriers surveyed provide trustworthy nationwide delivery services, engage with people from diverse cultures, and develop a deeper understanding of the areas they operate in. The remaining believe that their work enables local businesses to expand their market reach, which contributes to their growth and creates new job opportunities.


The success of businesses and communities relies heavily on these couriers who are truly unsung heroes. Especially for local businesses, they are always adapting to meet the changing demands of their customers, while many households, especially those of the elderly and disadvantaged, have greatly benefited from the services of couriers. This is made possible by the fact that 80% of couriers deliver at least 80 parcels on a daily basis, while the rest handle a smaller number of parcels due to other commitments.


Given their intention to deliver parcels safely to the customers they value, 80% of couriers prioritise customer needs by considering factors such as urgency, location, and timing, while the other 20% take into account their own capabilities, such as parcel size, weight, and order received, when evaluating the feasibility of delivering parcels.


When asked ”What do you enjoy most about working as a Shopee Express courier?” – 56% of couriers enjoy the job’s flexibility and breaks, 25% value the opportunity to take ownership of their successes and hard work, and 19% appreciate the teamwork and training courses that come with being part of the community. Couriers also have been able to support their households by scheduling work trips at their convenience, which allows them to maintain their standard of living while continuing to develop their skills.


With countless deliveries to complete everyday, these couriers believe that having certain qualities is helpful in making them more efficient and productive. 80% of couriers surveyed identified honesty and reliability as crucial – they are responsible for delivering parcels safely, on time, and securely to customers. 20% think that possessing a positive mindset and ample knowledge is essential, which means being able to adapt to changes and staying calm in difficult situations.


All couriers know that customers want their parcels to arrive safely. 8 out of 10 couriers recalled pushing through circumstances to deliver in bad weather or remote areas, whereas the remaining couriers remembered playing a role in making someone feel valued by delivering for special occasions. These experiences motivate couriers to keep doing their job as it reminds them of the positive impact they have on people's lives.


Cheah Lee Sun, Head of Shopee Express, said, “Our couriers clearly play a crucial role in the communities they serve. We appreciate their tireless efforts to complete deliveries on time and build stronger connections with customers. As the backbone of our business, we are here listening to their needs and accommodating them as much as we can. This is just one of the ways we provide a better peace of mind not just to our couriers, but also to our customers who rely on us to deliver their parcels with utmost care and efficiency."


When asked how being a Shopee Express courier impacted their lives, 34% of couriers had improved their time management skills by prioritising their tasks effectively. For 27% of them, their work allowed them to provide meaningful support to their families. 23% learned about the importance of being accountable in delivering parcels, and 16% felt a sense of purpose in life and saw opportunities for career advancement.


“We are happy to see that many of them have a better understanding of how to communicate with customers, build rapport, and become more skilled over time in managing a consistent stream of work and balancing personal responsibilities,” Cheah concluded. 

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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Let's Join Origami Workshop For Family And Kiddos | Malaysia Origami Day Celebration At Pavilion Bukit Jalil

In conjunction with Malaysia Origami Day and in partnership with Origami Academy Malaysia, Tokyo Town is presents Origami Month from 8 April 2023 – 30 April 2023.

This featuring 2 first-in-Malaysia Modular Origami Exhibition and Malaysia Origami Day Exhibition, exclusive limited-edition Raya Origami Designs Workshop and more.


Initiated by Malaysia Origami Academy’s founder, Kenneth Ch’ng, in 2014. Over the years, more than 120 Origami intellectual properties with Malaysia Cultural heritage theme have been created by Malaysian Origami Artists, or “Origamists”.


This Pillar art is to represent Foundation. In order to achieve greatness, we first must have a solid foundation. 

And we, the Malaysian Origamists, truly believe Malaysia Origami Movement is the strong foundation that we must embark together to cultivate the interest of Origami and the connection to wide knowledges and fields, to Malaysians.

One-Flex Icosidodecahedron

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 60 sheets, no adhesive


Humans do prefer simplicity. And very often, they go through long complicated route in life which brings them back to simplicity. One simplicity concept is universality, which means a thing or concept that can be shared across all. This concept also applies to modular origami, where the question asked was, can a modular origami unit can be used to assemble all types of polyhedrons? And indeed, with this One-Flex modular design, it can be used to form at least all the polyhedron in the five Platonic Solid class and thirteen Archimedean Solid class. This model is one of thirteen Archimedean Solids, called the icosidodecahedron.


Star Flex

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Tomoko Fuse

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


This design of modular origami is according to the concept of universality. Which means the same modular origami unit can be used to form any polyhedron. For any origami unit to conform to the universality concept, it must be flexible enough to fit multiple units together, but at the same time, it should not collapse under its own weight. In this model, you can observe five units and six units are connected. But in cases of other polyhedron, it also can be used for fit in between three to ten units.


Yoshimura Pattern Kusudama

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Mio Tsugawa

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


Yoshimura is one of the fundamental tessellations in origami. The pattern is based on triangles and this shape is commonly found in architecture. It might not be apparent by looking at this modular origami model, but the Yoshimura triangle pattern is used to form the four petals you see in each unit. And by adding folding locks, the modular origami units can be formed into a polyhedron form.


Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


Tecoma is a species of flower available in Malaysia where in a short period in spring, the flowers bloomed, and it gives a beautiful scenery to the surrounding. Its beauty is rather comparable to the Sakura bloom in Japan. This modular origami is named after this flower. The flowers are arranged in a tight twisting form, which is similar to how the Tecoma would look like from afar.


A showcase of the exchange in Malaysian culture through the Japanese art of Origami, this exhibition features a collection of pieces highlighting Malaysian flora, fauna, cultural icons, heritage, artefacts as well as delicacies.


Origami Wau Bulan

This is the first Origami Wau Bulan in the world that has become one of the iconic national Origami symbol (together with the Origami Durian) as it has been presented to Malaysian Politicians, Japan Ambassadors to Malaysia, Japan Cultural Envoy to Malaysia and Senior official from Japan Foundation Office in Malaysia. 


It has officially been recognized as one of the Malaysia Cultural Heritage Origami (Warisan Kebudayaan Seni Lipatan Kertas Malaysia). It has been entered into the Malaysia Book of Record in 2019 as the largest Jalur Gemilang Origami Wau Bulan folded by 300 participants from 32 local schools and general public.  


Designed by Malaysian Origami Artist, Sam Yap and folded from a single uncut square sheet of paper by Origami Academy Founder, Kenneth Ch’ng. Japan Ambassador to Malayisa, His Excellency Hiroshi Oka mentioned in the opening speech in 2020: “When the whole world fold the Origami Wau Bulan, they will think about Malaysia just as they would think about Japan when they fold the Origami crane.”

Mouse mommy and kids MR MH were joining the Origami workshop to learn to DIY our own Origami Wau Bulan and Origami Ketupat Envelope Greeting Card. 

Such a fun and creative Origami workshop. Just use a piece of square paper to origami turn out to creative artwork! Amazing!

Origami Ketupat Envelope & Greeting Card

This is another first in the world, introducing the Ketupat Envelope designed and folded by Malaysian Artist, Muhammad Ilham Shah. Using a single uncut square paper without gluing, it is easy to learn and symbolic to fold. For the first time during Malaysia Origami Day 2023, the folding method will be revealed in FREE workshops sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil.

We are also dine in at Fuji Sushi, Tokyo Town, Pavilion Bukit Jalil. Delicious Salmon Steak Don, Gyoza, Takoyaki, Sashimi, Sushi and Green Tea ice cream. 

A fun-filled day out at Tokyo Town, Pavilion Bukit Jalil. 

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Yippi Biz By TOGL | Build Brand Loyalty From Social App To Rewards Program

Yippi is thrilled to introduce latest offering - Yippi Biz by TOGL, a tool designed to aid local small and medium enterprises to ramp up SMEs sales through internet marketing and reward schemes. As Yippi expand and expanding services into new territories with plans to launch in the SEA region in 2023 and then China in 2024. 


Yippi Biz advanced CRM system combines with Yippi rewards program to help businesses keep track of customer data, develop targeted promotions and offers, and foster long-term patronage. Social messaging, social rewards and e-rewards via e-rewardsapp system to give e-rebate to the customers. 

Fun games and social networking makes Yippi Biz more attractive that will giving out Yippi Rebate and rewards points to loyalty fans. Truly a loyalty program that beneficial to all. 


Furthermore, Yippi Biz loyalty program incentivizes repeat customers, allowing companies to form strong relationships with their clients and drive their revenue up. By employing Yippi Biz app, businesses can post highly personalized advertisements, spread brand awareness, and target the right audience with utmost efficacy.


Yippi presents their E-Rewards program called Yipps Wanted, which enables users to accumulate Yipps Points when they make a purchase with a Yippi Biz provider. Instant Yipps Points are awarded to customers and can be redeemed through Yippi Biz participating partners which consist of RedBox, Park 28 Boutique Dining, Freestore, and Bottomless, among others. 


Customers can further utilize their rewards points through Topzmall E-commerce platform and Togago to reserve hotel accommodations and travel tickets, in turn, promoting the selection of local SMEs and contributing to the construction of brand loyalty for businesses.


Yippi Biz has the ability to give merchants the powerful resources needed to succeed in today’s online marketplace. 

With access to 6 million users worldwide, especially those with spending power and young people, businesses can take advantage of Yippi rewards program to improve customer engagement, increase sales growth, and build a stronger business.


Yippi Biz is passionate about helping small and medium enterprises achieve success in a highly competitive environment, let the world know the SMEs through Yippi SuperApp rewards program, Yippi can provide the tools you need to thrive.


Visit Yippi Biz Social Media to learn more about how Yippi Biz program can benefit your business,




To join Yippi Biz as a merchant, please feel free to contact us via the following e-mail:

Yippi Social Media:
Official Website:
Instagram: @yippiofficial

Official TOGL Website: 

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This Raya season, the Curve invites visitors to relive the nostalgia of 90s Raya celebrations with  ‘Beraya di Kota Raya’.  Running from  28...