Sunday, December 24, 2017

Found The Real Delicious Waffle At WaffleWaffle! Signature Sunway Pyramid !

Mouse mommy was bring along MR to ice skating at Sunway Pyramid. Ops! Spotted grand opening of WaffleWaffle! Signature which is originated from Taiwan has officially rings the opening bell at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall to celebrate their first ever REwaffle concept: WaffleWaffle!Signature

This is the first ready-to-go kiosk concept of Waffle Waffle! Signature, where you can grab and go your favourite waffles around.

We love waffle so much especially the waffle with ice cream! Mouse mommy loves the waffle with vanilla ice cream with strawberry jam while MR loves the waffle with chocolate flavour with choco sauce.

Hmm… mouse mommy was wondering why the ice cream taste so smooth and happen to asked the boss. Wow! The lady boss Christine mention that WaffleWaffle! Signature was served with premium ice cream and 100% pure milk making of waffle without any additional of water. No wonder the taste was different from the others and feeling full after eating. 

Michael Poh, Director of Leasing Sunway Malls, Chang Ming, Director of Economic Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, Raymond Woo, Representative from Malaysia Retail Chain Association, Adam Tan, Secretary General & President of Entrepreneur Development Association and other dignitaries participated in ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrates the official grand opening of WaffleWaffle! Signature together.

Managing director of WaffleWaffle! Signature Kelven Ong stated that, “We practices natural home-recipe on each ingredients which are coloring and preservatives-free, allowing patrons to enjoy the waffle without any worries. We want to serve the best quality and original taste of waffle to the Malaysian.”

One of the elderly who redeemed the waffle giveaway, stated that “So far, this is the best waffle I’ve tasted, as I could really taste the original taste that fill with the taste of ideal flour mix for the waffles involves only milk and nothing else, which is not too sweet and not too bland.”

During the grand opening ceremony, Christine Tan, the co-founder of WaffleWaffle! Signature were also being rewarded as one of the 16th Asia Pacific International Entrepreneur Excellence Awards from Adam Tan, Secretary General & President of Entrepreneur Development Association.

Other than that, WaffleWaffle! Signature also have sandwich waffle such as cheesy teriyaki chicken waffle, cheesy ham waffle, tuna waffle and sausage waffle. They do served drinks as well, coffee, green tea, tea and mocktail can be found here too!

Mouse mommy was highly recommended the WaffleWaffle! Signature cheesy teriyaki chicken waffle, such a nice combination! The teriyaki chicken was well-marinated and delicious to eat. Ops! It is only available 20 portions in daily as in WaffleWaffle! Signature keeps it high quality and freshness always. Do grab it before run of stock!

Mouse mommy loves to dine in and relax here while watching MR has his ice skating activity at ice rink. Perfect view and we parents can sit back and relax!  

For more information about WaffleWaffle! Signature,

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