Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Celebrate Parents' Day With WaWa! MyLove Sweet Family Bonding Workshop At Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong!

Mouse mommy had come across an exciting Lovely Parents and Kids Bonding Workshop that going to held at Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong! 

FAMILY, Father And Mother I Love You! Mouse mommy was looking at a unique special way to celebrate this coming Mother's Day and Father's Day with family and kids. Normally my family only buy a cake and celebrate together at home. This year I want something special and meaningful to celebrate and brings my family members closer. My boy MR always pay attention on his own iPad gadget and computer games, even though is a interactive learning education game, but as a mom, I do hope that we can have a quality bonding time together. 

WaWa! MyLove Sweet Family Bonding Workshop just nice to answer my needs! The workshop was lovely that consists of D.I.Y Rose Origami workshop, MyLove Studio sweet family photography session and Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong delicious parents and kids menu sets. 

Participants can learn to make their own personalised Rose Origami via this D.I.Y Rose Origami workshop as a special gift for mummy and daddy! Such a lovely bonding moments for mom, dad and kids! MR said wants to make a Rose Origami for mouse mommy too! Feeling Love...

Other than that, we can have a sweet family photography moments at Wawa Land Cafe with Parents' Day theme photobooth provided by MyLove Studio and the photographs will be send via email and available in online gallery for us to share with family members and friends. So thoughtful of MyLove Studio! Mouse mommy loves the go green concept of the digital photography and at the same time I can educate my children for environment friendly! Thumbs up! Lovely family photography session by professional photographer to mark this sweet family moments!

Hmmm... Time to yum yum... Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong had design a Parents' Day Bonding Set Menu for us to choose from! There are 2 different sets of delicious bonding meals available to order that included Salad + Main Course + Waffle + Drinks.
Set 1 : Salad + Bolognese Spaghetti + OREO Fresh Cream Waffle + Black Tea and Orange Juice. 
Set 2 : Salad + Japanese Curry Rice with Chicken Patty + OREO Fresh Cream Waffle + Black Tea and Orange Juice.
Mouse mommy had dine in before with family at Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong and we love the delicious food and beverages over there! Click here to read more at my blog post at Wawa Land Cafe. 

Such a fun bonding moments workshop happening in Wawa Land Cafe, IOI Boulevard Puchong this 21 May 2017 (Sunday) and 18 June 2017 (Sunday) from 10am to 2pm! And Now, they have 2 packages offers for the family.

Package 1 : D.I.Y Rose Origami Bonding Workshop + Lovely Parents' Day Celebration Theme Photobooth Photography Session + One Set of Wawa Land Family Bonding Meal that worth RM180 NOW only @RM75 for 1 adult + 1 kid. 

Package 2 : D.I.Y Rose Origami Bonding Workshop + Lovely Parents' Day Celebration Theme Photobooth Photography Session + Two Sets of Wawa Land Family Bonding Meals that worth RM360 NOW only @RM120 for 2 adults + 2 kids

Ops! there are RM20 OFF for mummy and daddy that bought the package via "Wofollow - Mobile Coupon" from iOS Apps Store or Google Play Store, register as Wofollow Mobile Coupon member. Cool! We can buy the package 1 with RM55 (1 adult + 1kid) and package 2 for RM100 (2 adults + 2 kids) only! Great as in MR said want to have a fun day out bonding moments with gong gong po po (grandfather and grandmother) too! Looking forward to join this WaWa! MyLove Sweet Family Bonding Workshop with my family and kids!

How to make reservation?
Step 1: Download “Wofollow – Mobile Coupon” from iOS Apps Store or Google Play Store, register as Wofollow Mobile Coupon member
Step 2: Collect this coupon on Wofollow Mobile Apps.
Step 3: Screenshot the collected coupon, and make reservation via ( Whatapps: 012-339 7638 Kathy)
*First 10 person who completed the reservation process via WhatApps will entitled to Extra RM10 amount OFF!

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