Saturday, May 27, 2017

Unique | Exciting | Educational | Kidzathon - Heroes In The City In This 29 October 2017 !

The “Kidzathon - Heroes In The City” walkathon adventure organized by Urban Health Magazine and HANKidz Zone. Malaysia’s unique educational walkathon which combines exercise with education at Desa ParkCity, on the 29th of October 2017 (Sunday), from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. An exotic, exciting and fun parents and children walkathon that not to be missed! 

A brand new adventure trails awaits kids and parents this year when Urban Health and HANKidz Zone rejoin forces to bring on the 2nd Kidzathon that will take place along a 2km route with an estimated turnout of 2,000 participants. 

HANKidz Zone has designed an adventure where each child and parent team will visit several stations to collect special pin badges as a part of their mission to help Koby and his seven superhero friends. There will be three age categories for children – age 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.   

This year, the unique walkathon will see kids and parents embark on a new “Heroes In The City” adventure quest to help Koby, Kidzathon’s beloved mascot save the city from an evil villain with the help of his seven superhero friends. The theme “Heroes in the City” is aimed at imparting a significant message that each child has an inner hero in them. It is hoped that by succeeding a mission with their parents for the greater good of their “city”, this will add to their self-esteem and encourage them discover their self-worth and confidence. Yup! mouse mommy totally agree! We need to build up our children confidence by explore, experiment and gone through experience together-gather! 

Photograph session with the VIPs. (Left to right) Mr Emma Syah Bin Ali, Senior Sales Manager of Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Mr Damian Cheah, Sponsorship Manager of Beyond Ultron Sdn Bhd, Mr Sukhdev Singh, Township General Manager of Perdana ParkCity Sdn Bhd, Coach Hanky, CEO & Founder of HanKidz Zone Sdn Bhd, Ms Aiveen Wong, CEO of Urban Health Sdn Bhd, Ms Ch’ng Lin Ling, Hospital CEO ParkCity Medical Centre, Ms Angie Ng, Senior Marketing Executive of Eu Yan Sang (1959) Sdn Bhd, Ms Lee Meg Gee, Customer Service Executive of Karihome, Mr Scott A. Bernstein, Director of Operation, The Little Gym of Malaysia, Mr Andrew O’Keefe, Group Managing Director of Swiss Bio Pharma Sdn Bhd, Mr Liang Foo Kuan, Managing Director of Big Onion Food Caterer Sdn Bhd. 
Aiveen Wong, CEO of Urban Health Sdn Bhd was exciting that last year Kidzathon saw overwhelming participation. She was happy to see parents and children enjoying their bonding time and learning about the world through fun activities during the walk. This year "Heroes in the City" will definitely bring more insights, fun and laugh for the family members! 

 Ms Aiveen Wong, CEO of Urban Health Sdn Bhd giving the opening speech for Kidzathon – Heroes In The City. 
“This year, we chose the theme "Heroes In The City" with the objective of encouraging children to be brave and have enough faith to take on responsibilities. Through the walk, children can learn the importance of teamwork, commitment, courage and faith while parents will be assistants to their children in completing the 2km walk,” said Wong. 

The aim of this walkathon is to promote and increase health awareness among Malaysians while strengthening the bond between parent and child through participation in a fun outdoor activity. There will also be a free health check, stage performances, sponsors’ booths, food stalls and games booths with amazing prizes! Cool, mouse mommy and kids will definitely love it! 

 Coach Hanky, CEO and founder of HanKidz Zone Sdn Bhd giving the opening speech for Kidzathon – Heroes In The City 
Coach Hanky, CEO and founder of HANKidz Zone Sdn Bhd adds, “There is a super hero in every one of us. This is very true for children as it represents their inner belief and confidence. Therefore, this year we will be unleashing the super hero in them while having fun in this amazing adventure.”

There will be Early Bird tickets for sale at RM95 for the first 100 1-adult and 1-child teams. Thereafter, admission tickets will cost RM105 for each 1-adult and 1-child team. There is also a special FamilyPackage of RM130 for 2 adults and 1 child. Each parent and child is entitled to receive a running T-shirt and finishing medal.

“I am sure parents will enjoy seeing their children being physically active and committed to completing the walk in order to finish their mission. I can’t wait to see thousands of heroes come together to save their city!” said Wong.

Urban Health and HANKidz Zone would like to thank their Venue Partner, Perdana ParkCity Sdn Bhd; Medical Service Partner, ParkCity Medical Centre; Supporting NGO, Malaysia Paediatric Association, Media Partner, Malay Mail, and Official Apparel, Beyond Ultron Sdn Bhd. Special thanks also goes to Eu Yan Sang (1959) Sdn Bhd, The Little Gym of Malaysia, Swiss Bio Pharma Sdn Bhd, Karihome, Big Onion Food Caterer Sdn Bhd and Staedtler Marketing Sdn Bhd. Many sponsors were happy to support such an educational and meaningful “Kidzathon - Heroes In The City” walkathon adventure! 

Interested to get to know more about “Kidzathon - Heroes In The City”,
Registration :

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