Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sweet Mother's Day Celebration With Family At Dorsett Grand Subang!

Happy Mother's Day !
Mouse mommy loves to eat delicious foodies. Mouse daddy was cracked his head to think where should we go to celebrate Mother's Day 2017. After a short discussion with MR, we decided to go Dorsett Grand Subang to celebrate Mother's Day cum family day out together! Ah...ha... MR was happy and exciting with the Easter Fun Day Out last time and wanted to revisit again! 
Sweet Mother's Day table set up and decorations!
Once we reach Dorsett Grand Subang and we will welcomed by the host and bring us to our seats. MR was Wow by the helium filled balloons when we are in. The Mother's Day decoration was in lovely yellow, purple, pink and white helium gas filled balloons and each of the table served a fresh carnation flower. Feeling warm and homely!
Happy and cheerful mood ON!
Time to search for yummilicious food! MR request for his favorite mushroom soup, but only cauliflower soup available. MR normally not really fancy cauliflower. Mouse mommy try to grab him a cauliflower soup and surprisingly he likes it and finished the whole bowl with rice. MR also request for a second bowl of cauliflower soup...yum..yum... Baby MH loves to eat the beef bolognese spaghetti with butter fish fillets. There are many choices of the Dorsett Grand Subang Mother's Day Buffet Lunch that suitable for family gathering, from Western to Asian style of dishes. Nasi beriani lamb, beef bolognese spaghetti, butter fish fillets, roaster lamb shoulder, multiple ingredients of steamboat, ulam-ulam, cold dishes, 'ais kacang', 'bubur cha-cha', buns, fruits, ice cream, desserts and cakes. So thoughtful of the Chef! 
Multiple choices of steamboat ingredients to choose from!
Sago with brown sugar - yummy!
Cream Brulee Dessert - Mouse mommy's really fancy it!
The waitress was lovely that prepare us a baby chair with plastic baby cutlery sets for dine in. The kids can play with their helium filled balloons to keep them in their seats. Mouse mommy loves the most was the cream brulee dessert, looks simple dish, but eventually it taste pretty nice! Cheesy with smooth texture of the cream. Perfect match! Mouse daddy was hunt for his roasted lamb shoulder and his favorite chocolicious dessert and cakes. The foods was presentable and delicious to eat. Mouse mommy happy that we are enjoying ourselves!
Roasted Lamb Shoulder... yum...yum...
Besides that, we are invited to join the Mother's Day activities that specially design for mom and children. The first game that mouse mommy join with MR was mommy guess the fruit drinks that blend by child. Ops! never play this game before... haha!! MR choose the celery, white cauliflowers and tomato and blend it himself for mommy to drink and taste it out. The drinks was taste nice! Haha!! But, mouse mommy guess it wrongly. Nevermind, try again next time. Hehe! Thanks for the lovely drink for mommy. Mouse mommy asked MR that what was the ingredients that he choose of. MR said I choose vegetable drinks for mommy that inclusive of celery, white cauliflowers and tomato. My little health conscious MR!
Hmm... MR wants to DIY make a vege drinks for mouse mommy. Photo credit to Xin Ying.

Mommies, time to make a "guess" of your special custom made drinks!

We want to DIY a drink that special for our mom!
The second activity was make flowers by using recyclables items such as newspaper or magazine. Everyone was creative and busy in cutting, forming and decorating their handmade flowers. In 15 minutes, all the hand crafts flowers forms. This activity really brain storming mommies and children as in need to create our own handmade flowers. Mouse mommy and MR had used the magazine paper to make paper rose flowers and small pearl lily flowers. There are prizes giving for these two activities winners. Congratulations for the winners! Mouse mommy and MR do not won any prizes. "Nevermind, try again next time" said by MR. So sweet of my little boy! You are my biggest prize in mouse mommy's heart!

Flower making workshop in action by using recyclable items!

DIY Recyclable paper flowers!

Our flowers hand craft done! Thanks for the lovely photo and credit to Xin Ying. 
Not only that, we are given a 'Fortune Cookies'! Mouse mommy was eat the fortune cookies and got a lucky message of 'Measure your life by counting the precious moments'. Oh Yes! Mouse mommy did it especially with my family and kids, the most valuable things in my life. Explore, experiment and experience every single moments with definitely create a wonderful memories moments for us!
Enjoying our Mother's Day Celebration at Dorsett Grand Subang!
A happy and warm Mother's Day celebration at Dorsett Grand Subang. The month of holy Ramadhan coming soon, mouse mommy going to 'berbuka puasa' with family and friends too at Dorsett Grand Subang

'Selamat berpuasa untuk rakan-rakan yang berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.'

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Dorsett Grand Subang Hotel
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Contact     : +603 5031 6060 ext. 1912 

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